What’s New in Pandas 2.2
The most interesting things about the new release

pandas 2.2 was released on January 22nd 2024. Let’s take a look at the things this release introduces and how it will help us to improve our pandas workloads. It includes a bunch of improvements that will improve the user experience.
pandas 2.2 brought a few additional improvements that rely on the Apache Arrow ecosystem. Additionally, we added deprecations for changes that are necessary to make Copy-on-Write the default in pandas 3.0. Let’s dig into what this means for you. We will look at the most important changes in detail.
I am part of the pandas core team. I am an open source engineer for Coiled where I work on Dask, including improving the pandas integration.
Improved PyArrow support
We have introduced PyArrow backed DataFrame in pandas 2.0 and continued to improve the integration since then to enable a seamless integration into the pandas API. pandas has accessors for certain dtypes that enable specialized operations, like the string accessor, that provides many string methods. Historically, list and structs were represented as NumPy object dtype, which made working with them quite cumbersome. The Arrow dtype backend now enables tailored accessors for lists and structs, which makes working with these objects a lot easier.
Let’s look at an example:
import pyarrow as pa
series = pd.Series(
{"project": "pandas", "version": "2.2.0"},
{"project": "numpy", "version": "1.25.2"},
{"project": "pyarrow", "version": "13.0.0"},
("project", pa.string()),
("version", pa.string()),
This is a series that contains a dictionary in every row. Previously, this was only possible with NumPy object dtype and accessing elements from these rows required iterating over them. The struct accessor now enables direct access to certain attributes:
0 pandas
1 numpy
2 pyarrow
Name: project, dtype: string[pyarrow]
The next release will bring a CategoricalAccessor based on Arrow types.
Integrating the Apache ADBC Driver
Historically, pandas relied on SqlAlchemy to read data from an Sql database. This worked very reliably, but it was very slow. Alchemy reads the data row-wise, while pandas has a columnar layout, which makes reading and moving the data into a DataFrame slower than necessary.
The ADBC Driver from the Apache Arrow project enables users to read data in a columnar layout, which brings huge performance improvements. It reads the data and stores them into an Arrow table, which is used to convert to a pandas DataFrame. You can make this conversion zero-copy, if you set dtype_backend=”pyarrow” for read_sql.
Let’s look at an example:
import adbc_driver_postgresql.dbapi as pg_dbapi
df = pd.DataFrame(
[1, 2, 3],
[4, 5, 6],
columns=['a', 'b', 'c']
uri = "postgresql://postgres:postgres@localhost/postgres"
with pg_dbapi.connect(uri) as conn:
df.to_sql("pandas_table", conn, index=False)
# for round-tripping
with pg_dbapi.connect(uri) as conn:
df2 = pd.read_sql("pandas_table", conn)
The ADBC Driver currently supports Postgres and Sqlite. I would recommend everyone to switch over to this driver if you use Postgres, the driver is significantly faster and completely avoids round-tripping through Python objects, thus preserving the database types more reliably. This is the feature that I am personally most excited about.
Adding case_when to the pandas API
Coming from Sql to pandas, users often miss the case-when syntax that provides an easy and clean way to create new columns conditionally. pandas 2.2 adds a new case_when method, that is defined on a Series. It operates similarly to what Sql does.
Let’s look at an example:
df = pd.DataFrame(dict(a=[1, 2, 3], b=[4, 5, 6]))
default=pd.Series('default', index=df.index)
(df.a == 1, 'first'),
(df.a.gt(1) & df.b.eq(5), 'second'),
The method takes a list of conditions that are evaluated sequentially. The new object is then created with those values in rows where the condition evaluates to True. The method should make it significantly easier for us to create conditional columns.
Copy-on-Write was initially introduced in pandas 1.5.0. The mode will become the default behavior with 3.0, which is hopefully the next pandas release. This means that we have to get our code into a state where it is compliant with the Copy-on-Write rules. pandas 2.2 introduced deprecation warnings for operations that will change behavior.
df = pd.DataFrame({"x": [1, 2, 3]})
df["x"][df["x"] > 1] = 100
This will now raise a FutureWarning.
FutureWarning: ChainedAssignmentError: behaviour will change in pandas 3.0!
You are setting values through chained assignment. Currently this works in certain cases, but when
using Copy-on-Write (which will become the default behaviour in pandas 3.0) this will never work to
update the original DataFrame or Series, because the intermediate object on which we are setting
values will behave as a copy. A typical example is when you are setting values in a column of a
DataFrame, like:
df["col"][row_indexer] = value
Use `df.loc[row_indexer, "col"] = values` instead, to perform the assignment in a single step and
ensure this keeps updating the original `df`.
I wrote an earlier post that goes into more detail about how you can migrate your code and what to expect. There is an additional warning mode for Copy-on-Write that will raise warnings for all cases that change behavior:
pd.options.mode.copy_on_write = "warn"
Most of those warnings are only noise for the majority of pandas users, which is the reason why they are hidden behind an option.
pd.options.mode.copy_on_write = "warn"
df = pd.DataFrame({"a": [1, 2, 3]})
view = df["a"]
view.iloc[0] = 100
This will raise a lengthy warning explaining what will change:
FutureWarning: Setting a value on a view: behaviour will change in pandas 3.0.
You are mutating a Series or DataFrame object, and currently this mutation will
also have effect on other Series or DataFrame objects that share data with this
object. In pandas 3.0 (with Copy-on-Write), updating one Series or DataFrame object
will never modify another.
The short summary of this is: Updating view will never update df, no matter what operation is used. This is most likely not relevant for most.
I would recommend enabling the mode and checking the warnings briefly, but not to pay too much attention to them if you are comfortable that you are not relying on updating two different objects at once.
I would recommend checking out the migration guide for Copy-on-Write that explains the necessary changes in more detail.
Upgrading to the new version
You can install the new pandas version with:
pip install -U pandas
mamba install -c conda-forge pandas=2.2
This will give you the new release in your environment.
We’ve looked at a couple of improvements that will improve performance and user experience for certain aspects of pandas. The most exciting new features will come in pandas 3.0, where Copy-on-Write will be enabled by default.
Thank you for reading. Feel free to reach out to share your thoughts and feedback.
What’s new in pandas 2.2 was originally published in Towards Data Science on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
Originally appeared here:
What’s new in pandas 2.2