Teenage Tinder-like app Wizz kicked off App Store over sextortion claims

Wizz has been removed from both Apple’s App Store and the Google Play Store over accusations it was used for sextortion scams.

Logo for social media app Wizz
Logo for social media app Wizz

Created by developers from the French firm Voodoo, Wizz was launched in 2019 with the aim of connecting strangers online in safety. “Expand your world meeting unexpected online people,” is one of its promotion lines, and while not explicitly aimed at teenagers, they appear to have been a key segment of its users.

According to CNBC, Apple and Google were contacted by the National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE). The organization alleges that Wizz has been used in what are described as sextortion scams.

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Teenage Tinder-like app Wizz kicked off App Store over sextortion claims