Tag: AI

  • Unleashing the Power of Triton: Mastering GPU Kernel Optimization in Python

    Chaim Rand

    Accelerating AI/ML Model Training with Custom Operators — Part 2

    Photo by Jas Rolyn on Unsplash

    According to Greek mythology, Triton, a god of the sea, would calm or stir the sea waters by using his conch shell to control its tides and waves. In one story, in particular, Triton is depicted as having used his powers to guide the Argonauts through particularly dangerous sea waters. In this post, we similarly call upon Triton for navigation through complex journeys, although this time we refer to the Triton language and compiler for writing deep learning (DL) kernels and to our journeys through the world of AI/ML development.

    This is a sequel to a previous post on the topic of accelerating AI/ML applications with custom operators in which we demonstrated the potential for performance optimization by developing custom CUDA kernels. One of our intentions was to emphasize the accessibility of custom kernel development and the opportunities it provides even for non-expert CUDA developers. However, there are challenges to CUDA development that may prove insurmountable for some. For one, while many a modern-day AI/ML developer are well-versed in Python, they may not feel comfortable developing in C++. Furthermore, tuning a CUDA kernel to take full advantage of the GPU’s capabilities requires an intimate understanding of the underlying HW architecture and could take a non-trivial amount of work. This is particularly true if you want your kernel to run optimally on a variety of GPU architectures. Much of the complexity results from CUDA’s “thread-based” development model in which the developer is responsible for designing and optimizing all elements of the GPU kernel threads, including all details related to the use of GPU memory, thread-concurrency, TensorCore scheduling, and much more.

    The Power of Triton

    The Triton library aims to democratize and simplify GPU kernel development in two primary ways. First, it provides an API for building custom operators in Python (rather than C++). Second, it enables kernel development at the block level (rather than the thread level) thereby abstracting away and automating all issues related to optimizing performance within CUDA thread blocks. Rather than taking the laborious steps of programming the details of the thread invocation, including the intricacies related to memory management, scheduling of on-chip acceleration engines, thread-synchronization, etc., kernel developers can rely on Triton to do it all for them. One important byproduct of the high-level API abstraction of Triton’s programming model is that it reduces the burden of needing to tune the kernel for multiple different GPU types and architectures.

    Of course, as is usually the case when up-leveling an API, the Triton programming model does have its disadvantages. Some kernels might benefit from the thread-level control enabled by CUDA (e.g., they might benefit from the conditional execution flow discussed in our previous post). Other kernels might require very specialized and delicate treatment to reach peak performance and may suffer from the automated result of the Triton compiler. But even in cases such as these, where the development of a CUDA kernel may ultimately be required, the ability to quickly and easily create a temporary Triton kernel could greatly facilitate development and boost productivity.

    For more on the motivations behind Triton and on the details of its programming model, see the Triton announcement, the official Triton documentation, and the original Triton white-paper.


    Similar to our previous post, our intention is to provide a simple demonstration of the opportunity offered by Triton. Please do not view this post as a replacement for the official Triton documentation or its associated tutorials. We will use the same face-detection model as in our previous post as a basis for our demonstration and perform our experiments in the same Google Cloud environment — a g2-standard-16 VM (with a single L4 GPU) with a dedicated deep learning VM image and PyTorch 2.4.0. As before, we make no effort to optimize our examples and/or verify their robustness, durability, or accuracy. It should be noted that although we will perform our experiments on a PyTorch model and on an NVIDIA GPU, Triton kernel development is supported by additional frameworks and underlying HWs.

    Triton as a Component of Torch Compilation

    In previous posts (e.g., here) we demonstrated the use of PyTorch compilation and its potential impact on runtime performance. The default compiler used by the torch.compiler is TorchInductor which relies heavily on Triton kernels for its GPU acceleration. Thus, it seems only appropriate that we begin our Triton exploration by assessing the automatic Triton-backed optimization afforded by torch.compile. The code block below includes the same forward pass of the face detection model we introduced in our previous post along with the compiled GIOU loss function. For the sake of brevity, we have omitted some of the supporting code. Please refer to our previous post for the full implementation.

    def loss_with_padding(pred, targets):
    mask = (targets[...,3] > 0).to(pred.dtype)
    total_boxes = mask.sum()
    loss = generalized_box_iou(targets, pred)
    masked_loss = loss*mask
    loss_sum = masked_loss.sum()
    return loss_sum/torch.clamp(total_boxes, 1)

    device = torch.device("cuda:0")
    model = torch.compile(Net()).to(device).train()
    loss_fn = torch.compile(loss_with_padding)

    # forward portion of training loop wrapped with profiler object
    with torch.profiler.profile(
    schedule=torch.profiler.schedule(wait=5, warmup=5, active=10, repeat=1)
    ) as prof:
    for step, data in enumerate(train_loader):

    with torch.profiler.record_function('copy data'):
    images, boxes = data_to_device(data, device)

    with torch.profiler.record_function('forward'):
    with torch.autocast(device_type='cuda', dtype=torch.bfloat16):
    outputs = model(images)

    with torch.profiler.record_function('calc loss'):
    loss = loss_fn(outputs, boxes)
    if step > 30:

    # filter and print profiler results
    event_list = prof.key_averages()
    for i in range(len(event_list) - 1, -1, -1):
    if event_list[i].key not in ['forward', 'calc loss', 'copy data']:
    del event_list[i]

    The performance results (averaged over multiple runs) are captured below:

    -------------  ------------  ------------
    Name CPU total CPU time avg
    ------------- ------------ ------------
    copy data 56.868ms 5.687ms
    forward 1.329s 132.878ms
    calc loss 8.282ms 828.159us
    ------------- ------------ ------------

    Recall that the average time of the original loss function (on padded input) was 1.844ms. Thus the performance boost resulting from torch compilation is greater than 2X(!!).

    The Triton kernels automatically generated by torch.compile can actually be viewed by setting the TORCH_LOGS environment variable, as explained in this PyTorch tutorial. In fact, some have proposed the use of these kernels as a starting point for Triton development (e.g., see here). However, in our experience these kernels can be somewhat difficult to decipher.

    In the next section we will attempt to further improve on the results of PyTorch compilation by implementing a GIOU Triton kernel.

    Creating a Custom Triton Kernel

    A great place to start your Triton development journey is with the official Triton tutorials. The tutorials are introduced in incremental order of complexity, with each one expanding on one or more of Triton’s unique features. Our GIOU Triton kernel most closely resembles the most basic vector addition example. As in our CUDA implementation, we assign a block to each sample in the input batch, and program it to operate on all of the bounding boxes in the sample. Note the use of tl.load and tl.store for reading and writing data from and to memory, as well as the block programs use of vectorized arithmetic.

    import triton
    import triton.language as tl

    def giou_kernel(preds_ptr,
    BLOCK_SIZE: tl.constexpr):
    pid = tl.program_id(axis=0)
    box_id = tl.arange(0, BLOCK_SIZE)

    box_offsets = pid * BLOCK_SIZE + box_id

    preds_left = tl.load(preds_ptr + 0 + 4 * box_offsets)
    preds_top = tl.load(preds_ptr + 1 + 4 * box_offsets)
    preds_right = tl.load(preds_ptr + 2 + 4 * box_offsets)
    preds_bottom = tl.load(preds_ptr + 3 + 4 * box_offsets)

    gt_left = tl.load(targets_ptr + 0 + 4 * box_offsets)
    gt_top = tl.load(targets_ptr + 1 + 4 * box_offsets)
    gt_right = tl.load(targets_ptr + 2 + 4 * box_offsets)
    gt_bottom = tl.load(targets_ptr + 3 + 4 * box_offsets)

    epsilon = 1e-5

    # Compute the area of each box
    area1 = (preds_right - preds_left) * (preds_bottom - preds_top)
    area2 = (gt_right - gt_left) * (gt_bottom - gt_top)

    # Compute the intersection
    left = tl.maximum(preds_left, gt_left)
    top = tl.maximum(preds_top, gt_top)
    right = tl.minimum(preds_right, gt_right)
    bottom = tl.minimum(preds_bottom, gt_bottom)

    inter_w = right - left
    inter_h = bottom - top
    inter_area = inter_w * inter_h

    union_area = area1 + area2 - inter_area

    iou_val = inter_area / tl.maximum(union_area, epsilon)

    # Compute the smallest enclosing box
    enclose_left = tl.minimum(preds_left, gt_left)
    enclose_top = tl.minimum(preds_top, gt_top)
    enclose_right = tl.maximum(preds_right, gt_right)
    enclose_bottom = tl.maximum(preds_bottom, gt_bottom)

    enclose_w = enclose_right - enclose_left
    enclose_h = enclose_bottom - enclose_top
    enclose_area = enclose_w * enclose_h

    # Compute GIOU
    delta_area = (enclose_area - union_area)
    enclose_area = tl.maximum(enclose_area, epsilon)
    giou = iou_val - delta_area / enclose_area

    # Store results
    tl.store(output_ptr + (box_offsets),
    tl.where(gt_bottom > 0, giou, 0))
    tl.store(valid_ptr + (box_offsets), gt_bottom > 0)

    def loss_with_triton(pred, targets):
    batch_size = pred.shape[0]
    n_boxes = pred.shape[1]

    # convert to float32 (remove to keep original dtypes)
    pred = pred.to(torch.float32)
    targets = targets.to(torch.float32)

    # allocate output tensors
    output = torch.empty_strided(pred.shape[0:2],
    dtype = pred.dtype,
    device = pred.device)
    valid = torch.empty_strided(pred.shape[0:2],
    dtype = torch.bool,
    device = pred.device)

    # call Triton kernel
    giou_kernel[(batch_size,)](pred, targets, output, valid,

    total_valid = valid.sum()
    loss_sum = output.sum()
    return loss_sum/total_valid.clamp(1)

    The results of running with our Triton kernel are captured below. While somewhat worse than in our previous experiment, this could be a result of additional optimizations performed by torch.compile.

    -------------  ------------  ------------
    Name CPU total CPU time avg
    ------------- ------------ ------------
    copy data 57.089ms 5.709ms
    forward 1.338s 133.771ms
    calc loss 8.908ms 890.772us
    ------------- ------------ ------------

    Following the recommendation of PyTorch’s documentation on the use of Triton kernels, we further assess the performance of our kernel, this time in combination with PyTorch compilation. The results (averaged over multiple runs) are slightly better than the auto-compiled loss of our first experiment.

    -------------  ------------  ------------
    Name CPU total CPU time avg
    ------------- ------------ ------------
    copy data 57.008ms 5.701ms
    forward 1.330s 132.951ms
    calc loss 7.189ms 718.869us
    ------------- ------------ ------------

    When developing our custom GIOU CUDA kernel, we noted the overhead of converting the input tensors to float32, and the need to enhance our kernel to support various input types in order to avoid this conversion. In the case of our Triton kernel this can be accomplished quite easily by simply removing the conversion operations. The custom kernel will be auto-generated (JIT-compiled) with the original types.

    -------------  ------------  ------------
    Name CPU total CPU time avg
    ------------- ------------ ------------
    copy data 57.034ms 5.703ms
    forward 1.325s 132.456ms
    calc loss 6.219ms 621.950us
    ------------- ------------ ------------

    Our final results are on par with CUDA kernel results that we saw in our previous post.


    The following table summarizes the results of our experimentation. The results were averaged over multiple runs due to some variance that we observed. We have included the results of our custom CUDA kernel from our previous post, for reference. Keep in mind that the comparative results are likely to vary greatly based on the details of the kernel and the runtime environment.

    Summary of Average of Loss Runtimes (by Author)

    While our first Triton kernel experiment resulted in reduced performance, compared to our custom CUDA operator, by applying compilation and removing the data type conversions, we were able to match its speed.

    These findings are in line with what one might expect from Triton: On the one hand, its high-level API abstraction implies a certain loss of control over the low-level flow which could result in reduced runtime performance. On the other hand, the (relative) simplicity and power of its APIs enable users to close the performance gap by implementing features with much greater ease than in CUDA.

    One could make a strong argument that the Triton kernel we chose to evaluate is what the documentation would refer to as “embarrassingly parallel”, i.e., comprised of element-wise operations, and that as such, is a terrible kernel on which to demonstrate the value of Triton. Indeed, a more complex program, requiring more sophisticated memory management, scheduling, synchronization, etc., may be required to showcase the full power of Triton.

    Next Steps

    Several additional steps are required to complete our task. These include tuning our custom kernel and implementing the backward function.

    1. Kernel Optimization

    Although, Triton abstracts away a lot of the low-level kernel optimization, there remain many controls that could greatly impact runtime performance. These include the size of each block, the number of thread warps to use (as demonstrated in the softmax tutorial), and how L2 memory is accessed (see the matrix multiplication tutorial for an example of swizzling). Triton includes an autotuning feature for optimizing the choice of hyper-parameters (as demonstrated in the matrix multiplication tutorial and in the PyTorch Triton example). Although we have omitted autotuning from our example, it is an essential step of Triton kernel development.

    2. Backward Pass Implementation

    We have limited our example to just the forward pass of the GIOU loss function. A full solution would require creating a kernel for the backward pass, as well (as demonstrated in the layer normalization tutorial). This is usually a bit more complicated than the forward pass. One may wonder why the high-level kernel development API exposed by Triton does not address this challenge by supporting automatic differentiation. As it turns out, for reasons that are beyond the scope of this post (e.g., see here), automatic differentiation of custom kernels is extremely difficult to implement. Nonetheless, this would be an absolute killer of a feature for Triton and we can only hope that this will be supported at some point in the future.


    Triton is easily one of the most important and impactful AI/ML libraries of the past few years. While it is difficult to assess the amount of innovation and progress it has enabled in the field of AI, its footprints can be found everywhere — from the core implementation of PyTorch 2 and its dependencies, to the specialized attention layers within the advanced LLM models that are slowly perforating our every day lives.

    Triton’s popularity is owed to its innovative programming model for kernel development. Once limited to the domain of CUDA experts, Triton makes creating customized DL primitives accessible to every Python developer.

    In this post we have only touched the surface of Triton and its capabilities. Be sure to check out the Triton’s online documentation and other resources to learn more.

    Unleashing the Power of Triton: Mastering GPU Kernel Optimization in Python was originally published in Towards Data Science on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

    Originally appeared here:
    Unleashing the Power of Triton: Mastering GPU Kernel Optimization in Python

    Go Here to Read this Fast! Unleashing the Power of Triton: Mastering GPU Kernel Optimization in Python

  • VAE for Time Series

    David Kyle

    Generate realistic sequential data with this easy-to-train model

    Photo by Joe Cook on Unsplash

    Variational autoencoders (VAEs) are a form of generative AI that came into the spotlight for their ability to create realistic images, but they can also create compelling time series. The standard VAE can be adapted to capture periodic and sequential patterns of time series data, and then be used to generate plausible simulations. The model I built simulates temperature data using 1-D convolution layers, a strategic choice of strides, a flexible time dimension, and a seasonally dependent prior.


    I trained a model on 50 years of hourly ERA5 temperature data from Phoenix, Arizona [1]. To have useful generated data, it must capture a few characteristics of the original data:

    1. seasonal profile — summers should be warmer than winters
    2. diurnal profile — days should be warmer than nights
    3. autocorrelation—the data should be smooth, and consecutive days should have similar temperatures
    Contains modified Copernicus Climate Change Service information [2024]

    Impact of Climate Change

    The model performs best if the training data is stationary, without a long-term trend. However, due to climate change, the temperature trends upward by about 0.7 °F per decade — a value derived from the observed data which is consistent with published maps showing recent warming trends by region [2]. To account for the increasing temperature, I applied a -0.7 °F per decade linear transformation to the raw observations to erase the upward trend. This adjusted dataset represents what historical temperatures may have looked like if we assume 2024’s climate conditions. Interpretations of the the generated data should keep this in mind.

    Contains modified Copernicus Climate Change Service information [2024]

    What is a VAE?

    Variational autoencoders reduce the dimensions of the input data into a smaller subspace. VAEs define an encoder to transform observed inputs into a compressed form called the latent variable. Then, a distinct, mirroring decoder attempts to recreate the original data. The encoder and decoder are co-optimized to make an encoding that loses as little information as possible.

    The full loss function used in training includes:

    • a reconstruction loss: measuring how closely the round-trip, transformed data matches the original inputs
    • a regularization term: measuring how closely the encoded distribution for the latent variable matches the prior distribution.

    These two loss terms are derived using variational inference by trying to maximize the evidence lower bound (ELBO) of the observed data. Check out this video for the mathematical derivation [3].

    Intuitively, VAEs perform feature extraction on the training data in such a way that the most important features, represented by the latent variable, follow the defined prior distribution. New data is generated by sampling the latent distribution and then decoding it to the form of the original inputs.

    Check out Joseph Rocca’s article, Understanding Variational Autoencoders, for a more thorough explanation of how VAEs work [4].

    1-D convolutional layers

    For modeling Phoenix temperature data, I made my encoder a neural network with one-dimensional convolutional layers. Each convolution layer applies a kernel — a matrix of weights — to shifted intervals of the inputs. Since the same kernel is used across the entire input, convolutional layers are considered shift invariant and are well suited for time series which have repeating patterns of sequences.

    left: convolution layer as a matrix operation | right: graphical representation | Usually, the input and output have several feature variables. For simplicity, the matrix operation shows convolution between an input and output with only one feature.

    The decoder performs the opposite task of the encoder with transposed 1-D convolutional layers, also called deconvolution layers. Latent features are projected into overlapping sequences to create an output time series that closely matches the inputs.

    The weight matrix for a deconvolution layer is the transpose of a convolution matrix.

    The full model stacks several convolution and deconvolution layers together. Each intermediate, hidden layer extends the range of the latent variables allowing the model to capture long-range effects in the data.

    Strategic Strides

    The stride — the jump between shifts — determines the size of the next layer. Convolution layers use strides to shrink the inputs down, and deconvolution layers use strides to expand the latent variables back to the input size. However, they also serve a secondary purpose — to capture periodic trends in the time series.

    You can strategically select the strides of the convolution layers to replicate the periodic patterns in the data.

    Convolutions apply the kernel cyclically, repeating the same weights with a period equal to its stride. This gives the training process the freedom to customize the weights based on the input’s position in the cycle.

    Stacking multiple layers together results in a larger effective period made of nested sub-convolutions.

    Consider a convolutional network that distills hourly time series data into a features space with four variables per day representing morning, afternoon, evening, and night. A layer with a stride of 4 will have weights uniquely assigned to each time of day that captures the diurnal profile in the hidden layer. During training, the encoder and decoder learn weights that replicate the daily cycles found in the data.

    Convolutions exploit the cyclical nature of the inputs to build better latent features. Deconvolutions convert latent features into overlapping, repeating sequences to generate data with periodic patterns.

    Flexible Time Dimension

    Image-generating VAEs usually have thousands of images pre-processed to have a fixed width and height. The generated images will match the width and height of the training data.

    For the Phoenix dataset, I only have one 50 year time series. To improve the training, I broke the data up into sequences, ultimately settling on assigning a latent variable to each 96 hour period. However, I may want to generate time series that are longer than 4 days, and, ideally, the output is smooth rather than having discrete 96 hour chunks in the simulations.

    Fortunately, Tensorflow allows you to specify unconstrained dimensions in your neural network. In the same way that neural networks can handle any batch size, you can build your model to handle an arbitrary number of time steps. As a result, my latent variable also includes a time dimension which can vary. In my model, there is one time step in the latent space for every 96 hours in the inputs.

    Generating new data is as simple as sampling latent variables from the prior where you select the number of steps you want to include in the time dimension.

    VAEs with an unconstrained time dimension can generate data to any length.

    The simulated output will have 4 days for each time step you sampled, and the results will appear smooth since convolution layers allow input layers to spill into neighboring time periods.

    Seasonally dependent prior

    In most VAEs, each component of the latent variable is assumed to follow a standard normal distribution. This distribution, sometimes called the prior, is sampled, then decoded, to generate new data. In this case, I chose a slightly more complex prior that depends on the time of year.

    Latent variables sampled from a seasonal prior will generate data with characteristics that vary by the time of year.

    Under this prior, generated January data will look very different than July data, and generated data from the same month will share many of the same features.

    I represented the time of year as an angle, θ, where 0° is January 1st, 180° is the beginning of July, and 360° is back to January again. The prior is a normal distribution whose mean and log-variance is a third degree trigonometric polynomial of θ where the coefficients of the polynomial are parameters learned during training in conjunction with the encoder and decoder.

    The prior distribution parameters are a periodic function of θ, and well-behaved periodic functions can be approximated to any level of accuracy given a trigonometric polynomial of sufficiently high degree. [5]

    left: visualization of θ | right: prior distribution of Z in terms of parameters m and s

    The seasonal data is only used in the prior and doesn’t influence the encoder or decoder. The full set of probabilistic dependencies is shown here graphically.

    Probabilistic graphical model including the prior


    I trained the model using Tensorflow in Python.

    from tensorflow.keras import layers, models


    The input is defined with a flexible time dimension. In Keras, you specify an unconstrained dimension using None .

    Using the ‘same’ padding will append zeros to the input layer such that the output size matches the input size divided by the stride.

    inputs = layers.Input(shape=(None,)) # (N, 96*k)
    x = layers.Reshape((-1, 1))(inputs) # (N, 96*k, 1)

    # Conv1D parameters: filters, kernel_size, strides, padding
    x = layers.Conv1D(40, 5, 3, 'same', activation='relu')(x) # (N, 32*k, 40)
    x = layers.Conv1D(40, 3, 2, 'same', activation='relu')(x) # (N, 16*k, 40)
    x = layers.Conv1D(40, 3, 2, 'same', activation='relu')(x) # (N, 8*k, 40)
    x = layers.Conv1D(40, 3, 2, 'same', activation='relu')(x) # (N, 4*k, 40)
    x = layers.Conv1D(40, 3, 2, 'same', activation='relu')(x) # (N, 2*k, 40)
    x = layers.Conv1D(20, 3, 2, 'same')(x) # (N, k, 20)

    z_mean = x[: ,:, :10] # (N, k, 10)
    z_log_var = x[:, :, 10:] # (N, k, 10)
    z = Sampling()([z_mean, z_log_var]) # custom layer sampling from gaussian

    encoder = models.Model(inputs, [z_mean, z_log_var, z], name='encoder')

    Sampling() is a custom layer that samples data from a normal distribution with the given mean and log variance.


    Deconvolution is performed with Conv1DTranspose .

    # input shape: (batch_size, time_length/96, latent_features)
    inputs = layers.Input(shape=(None, 10)) # (N, k, 10)

    # Conv1DTranspose parameters: filters, kernel_size, strides, padding
    x = layers.Conv1DTranspose(40, 3, 2, 'same', activation='relu')(inputs) # (N, 2*k, 40)
    x = layers.Conv1DTranspose(40, 3, 2, 'same', activation='relu')(x) # (N, 4*k, 40)
    x = layers.Conv1DTranspose(40, 3, 2, 'same', activation='relu')(x) # (N, 8*k, 40)
    x = layers.Conv1DTranspose(40, 3, 2, 'same', activation='relu')(x) # (N, 16*k, 40)
    x = layers.Conv1DTranspose(40, 3, 2, 'same', activation='relu')(x) # (N, 32*k, 40)
    x = layers.Conv1DTranspose(1, 5, 3, 'same')(x) # (N, 96*k, 1)

    outputs = layers.Reshape((-1,))(x) # (N, 96*k)

    decoder = models.Model(inputs, outputs, name='decoder')


    The prior expects inputs already in the form [sin(θ), cos(θ), sin(2θ), cos(2θ), sin(3θ), cos(3θ)].

    The Dense layer has no bias term as a way of preventing the prior distribution from drifting too far from zero or having an overall variance that was too high or too small.

    # seasonal inputs shape: (N, k, 6)
    inputs = layers.Input(shape=(None, 2*3))

    x = layers.Dense(20, use_bias=False)(inputs) # (N, k, 20)
    z_mean = x[:, :, :10] # (N, k, 10)
    z_log_var = x[:, :, 10:] # (N, k, 10)
    z = Sampling()([z_mean, z_log_var]) # (N, k, 10)

    prior = models.Model(inputs, [z_mean, z_log_var, z], name='seasonal_prior')

    Full Model

    The loss function contains a reconstruction term and a latent regularization term.

    Function log_lik_normal_sum is a custom function for calculating the normal log likelihood of the observed data given the reconstructed output. Calculating the log-likelihood requires noise distribution around the decoded output which is assumed to be normal with log variance given by self.noise_log_var, learned during training.

    For the regularization term, kl_divergence_sum calculates the Kullback–Leibler divergence between two gaussians — in this case, the latent encoded and prior distributions.

    class VAE(models.Model):
    def __init__(self, encoder, decoder, prior, **kwargs):
    super(VAE, self).__init__(**kwargs)
    self.encoder = encoder
    self.decoder = decoder
    self.prior = prior
    self.noise_log_var = self.add_weight(name='var', shape=(1,), initializer='zeros', trainable=True)

    def vae_loss(self, data):
    values, seasonal = data
    z_mean, z_log_var, z = self.encoder(values)
    reconstructed = self.decoder(z)
    reconstruction_loss = -log_lik_normal_sum(values, reconstructed, self.noise_log_var)/INPUT_SIZE
    seasonal_z_mean, seasonal_z_log_var, _ = self.prior(seasonal)
    kl_loss_z = kl_divergence_sum(z_mean, z_log_var, seasonal_z_mean, seasonal_z_log_var)/INPUT_SIZE
    return reconstruction_loss, kl_loss_z

    def train_step(self, data):
    with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
    reconstruction_loss, kl_loss_z = self.vae_loss(data)
    total_loss = reconstruction_loss + kl_loss_z

    gradients = tape.gradient(total_loss, self.trainable_variables)
    self.optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(gradients, self.trainable_variables))

    return {'loss': total_loss}

    For the full implementation, visit my Github repository.


    After training the model, the generated data matches the seasonal/diurnal profiles and autocorrelation of the original temperature data.

    Contains modified Copernicus Climate Change Service information [2024]


    Building techniques for generative time series modeling is a crucial field with applications beyond just simulating data. The methods I shared could be adapted for applications in data imputation, anomaly detection, and forecasting.

    By using 1-D convolutional layers, strategic strides, flexible time inputs, and seasonal priors, you can build a VAE that replicates complex patterns in your time series. Let’s collaborate to refine best practices for time series modeling.

    Share in the comments any experience, questions, or insights you have with VAEs and/or generative AI for time series.

    All images have been created by the author unless otherwise stated.

    [1] Hersbach, H., Bell, B., Berrisford, P., Biavati, G., Horányi, A., Muñoz Sabater, J., Nicolas, J., Peubey, C., Radu, R., Rozum, I., Schepers, D., Simmons, A., Soci, C., Dee, D., Thépaut, J-N. (2023): ERA5 hourly data on single levels from 1940 to present. Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) Climate Data Store (CDS), DOI: 10.24381/cds.adbb2d47 (Accessed on 01-Aug-2024)

    [2] Lindsey, R., & Dahlman, L. (2024, January 18). Climate change: Global temperature. Climate.gov. https://www.climate.gov/news-features/understanding-climate/climate-change-global-temperature

    [3] Sachdeva, K. (2021, January 26). Evidence lower bound (ELBO) — Clearly explained! [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IXsA5Rpp25w

    [4] Rocca, J. (2019, September 23). Understanding variational autoencoders (VAEs). Towards Data Science. https://towardsdatascience.com/understanding-variational-autoencoders-vaes-f70510919f73

    [5] Baidoo, F. A. (2015, August 28). Uniform convergence of Fourier series (REU Report). University of Chicago. https://math.uchicago.edu/~may/REU2015/REUPapers/Baidoo.pdf

    VAE for Time Series was originally published in Towards Data Science on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

    Originally appeared here:
    VAE for Time Series

    Go Here to Read this Fast! VAE for Time Series

  • Heckman Selection Bias Modeling in Causal Studies

    Daniel Pollak

    How selection bias is related to the identification assumptions of OLS, and what steps should be taken to address it

    Photo by Dimitry B on Unsplash

    Throughout my applied studies, I struggled to grasp the complexities of selection and sample bias problems. These issues manifest in various forms, can arise from different factors, and can affect both external and internal validity in causal models. Additionally, they are often the source of semantic confusion.

    One of the foundational concepts to understand when addressing bias and inconsistencies in a linear causal model is the omitted variable problem. This occurs when a typically unobserved random variable is correlated with both the independent variable and the model error. Failing to account for this variable when estimating a linear model leads to biased estimators. Consequently, this problem hinders the isolation of variance in the dependent variable in response to changes in the independent variable, thus obscuring the true causal relationship between the two.

    Confounder variable in causal DAG

    Are these concepts connected? Can selection bias be considered a form of the omitted variable problem? Let’s dive in and explore!


    I’d like to lay out the foundational elements needed to fully grasp how selection bias affects our linear model estimation process. We have a dependent random variable, Y, which we assume has a linear relationship (subject to some error terms) with another variable, X, known as the independent variable.

    Identification Assumptions

    Given a subsample Y’, X’ of the population variables Y, X –

    1. The error terms (of the original model !!!) and X’ are not correlated.
    2. The mean of the error terms is zero.
    3. Y and X are really related in a linear way —

    It’s important to note that in empirical research, we observe X and Y (or a subsample of them), but we don’t observe the error terms, making assumption (1) impossible to test or validate directly. At this point, we usually rely on a theoretical explanation to justify this assumption. A common justification is through randomized controlled trials (RCTs), where the subsample, X, is collected entirely at random, ensuring that it is uncorrelated with any other variable, particularly with the error terms.

    Conditional Expectation

    Given the assumptions mentioned earlier, we can precisely determine the form of the conditional expectation of Y given X —

    Conditional expectation in linear models

    The last transition follows from the identification assumptions. It’s important to note that this is a function of x, meaning it represents the average of all observed values of y given that x is equal to a specific value (Or the local average of y’s given a small range of values of x’s — more information can be found here)


    Given a sample of X that meets the identification assumptions, it’s well-established that the ordinary least squares (OLS) method provides a closed-form solution for consistent and unbiased estimators of the linear model parameters, alpha and beta, and thus for the conditional expectation function of Y given X.

    At its core, OLS is a technique for fitting a linear line (or linear hyperplane in the case of a multivariate sample) to a set of (y_i, x_i) pairs. What’s particularly interesting about OLS is that —

    1. If Y and X have a linear relationship (accounting for classic error terms), we’ve seen that the conditional expectation of Y given X is perfectly linear. In this scenario, OLS effectively uncovers this function with strong statistical accuracy.
    2. OLS achieves this even with any subsample of X that meets the identification assumptions previously discussed — with large enough sample.


    Let’s begin with a straightforward example using simulated data. We’ll simulate the linear model from above.

    A significant advantage of working with simulated data is that it allows us to better understand relationships between variables that are not observable in real-world scenarios, such as the error terms in the model.

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import numpy as np
    import pandas as pd
    import statsmodels.api as sm

    N = 5000
    BETA = 0.7
    INTERCEPT = -2
    SIGMA = 5

    df = pd.DataFrame({
    "x": np.random.uniform(0, 50, N),
    "e": np.random.normal(0, SIGMA, N)
    df["y"] = INTERCEPT + BETA * df["x"] + df["e"]

    and running OLS for the full sample –

    r1 = sm.OLS(df["y"], sm.add_constant(df["x"])).fit()
    plt.scatter(df["x"], df["y"], label="population")
    plt.plot(df["x"], r1.fittedvalues, label="OLS Population", color="r")

    Now, let’s generate a random subsample of our population, X, and apply OLS to this subsample. I’ll randomly select 100 x’s from the 500 samples I previously generated, and then run OLS on this subset.

    sample1 = df.sample(100)
    r2 = sm.OLS(sample1["y"], sm.add_constant(sample1["x"])).fit()

    plt.scatter(sample1["x"], sample1["y"], label="sample")
    plt.plot(sample1["x"], r2.fittedvalues, label="OLS Random sample")

    and plot –

    It appears we obtain consistent estimators for the random subsample, as both OLS results produce quite similar conditional expectation lines. Additionally, you can observe the correlation between X and the error terms —

    print(f"corr {np.corrcoef(df['x'], df['e'])}")
    print(f"E(e|x) {np.mean(df['e'])}")

    # corr [[ 1. -0.02164744]
    # [-0.02164744 1. ]]
    # E(e|x) 0.004016713100777963

    This suggests that the identification assumptions are being met. In practice, however, we cannot directly calculate these since the errors are not observable. Now, let’s create a new subsample — I’ll select all (y, x) pairs where y ≤ 10:

    sample2 = df[df["y"] <= 10]
    r3 = sm.OLS(sample2["y"], sm.add_constant(sample2["x"])).fit()

    plt.scatter(sample2["x"], sample2["y"], label="Selected sample")
    plt.plot(sample["x"], r3.fittedvalues, label="OLS Selected Sample")

    and we get –

    Now, OLS has provided us with a completely different line. Let’s check the correlation between the subsample X’s and the errors.

    print(f"corr {np.corrcoef(df['x'], df['e'])}")
    print(f"E(e|x) {np.mean(df['e'])}")

    # corr [[ 1. -0.48634973]
    # [-0.48634973 1. ]]
    # E(e|x) -2.0289245650303616

    Seems like the identification assumptions are violated. Let’s also plot the sub-sample error terms, as a function of X –

    As you can see, as X increases, there are fewer large errors, indicating a clear correlation that results in biased and inconsistent OLS estimators.

    Let’s explore this further.


    So, what’s going on here?

    I’ll reference the model introduced by James Heckman, who, along with Daniel McFadden, received the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences in 2000. Heckman is renowned for his pioneering work in econometrics and microeconomics, particularly for his contributions to addressing selection bias and self-selection in quantitative analysis. His well-known Heckman correction will be discussed later in this context.

    In his paper from 1979, “Sample Selection Bias as a Specification Error,” Heckman illustrates how selection bias arises from censoring the dependent variable — a specific case of selection that can be extended to more non-random sample selection processes.

    Censoring the dependent variable is exactly what we did when creating the last subsample in the previous section. Let’s examine Heckman’s framework.

    We start with a full sample (or population) of (y_i, x_i) pairs. In this scenario, given x_i, ε_i can vary — it can be positive, negative, small, or large, depending solely on the error distribution. We refer to this complete sample of the dependent variable as y*. We then define y as the censored dependent variable, which includes only the values we actually observe.

    Now, let’s calculate the conditional expectation of the censored variable, y:

    As you can see, this function resembles the one we saw earlier, but it includes an additional term that differs from before. This last term cannot be ignored, which means the conditional expectation function is not purely linear in terms of x (with some noise). Consequently, running OLS on the uncensored values will produce biased estimators for alpha and beta.

    Moreover, this equation illustrates how the selection bias problem can be viewed as an omitted variable problem. Since the last term depends on X, it shares a significant amount of variance with the dependent variable.

    Heckman’s Correction

    Inverse Mills ratio

    Heckman’s correction method is based on the following principle: Given a random variable Z that follows a normal distribution with mean μ and standard deviation σ, the following equations apply:

    Given any constant α, Φ (capital phi) represents the standard normal distribution’s CDF, and ɸ denotes the standard normal distribution’s PDF. These values are known as the inverse Mills ratio.

    So, how does this help us? Let’s revisit the last term of the previous conditional expectation equation —

    Combined with the fact that our error terms follow a normal distribution, we can use the inverse Mills ratio to characterize their behavior.

    Back to our model

    The advantage of the inverse Mills ratio is that it transforms the previous conditional expectation function into the following form —

    This results in a linear function with an additional covariate — the inverse Mills ratio. Therefore, to estimate the model parameters, we can apply OLS to this revised formula.

    Let’s first calculate the inverse Mills ratio –

    and in code:

    from scipy.stats import norm

    sample["z"] = (CENSOR-INTERCEPT-BETA*sample["x"])/SIGMA
    sample["mills"] = -SIGMA*(norm.pdf(sample["z"])/(norm.cdf(sample["z"])))

    and run OLS —

    correcred_ols = sm.OLS(sample["y"], sm.add_constant(sample[["x", "mills"]])).fit(cov_type="HC1")

    And the output —

                                OLS Regression Results                            
    Dep. Variable: y R-squared: 0.313
    Model: OLS Adj. R-squared: 0.313
    Method: Least Squares F-statistic: 443.7
    Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2024 Prob (F-statistic): 3.49e-156
    Time: 16:47:01 Log-Likelihood: -4840.1
    No. Observations: 1727 AIC: 9686.
    Df Residuals: 1724 BIC: 9702.
    Df Model: 2
    Covariance Type: HC1
    coef std err z P>|z| [0.025 0.975]
    const -1.8966 0.268 -7.088 0.000 -2.421 -1.372
    x 0.7113 0.047 14.982 0.000 0.618 0.804
    mills 1.0679 0.130 8.185 0.000 0.812 1.324
    Omnibus: 96.991 Durbin-Watson: 1.993
    Prob(Omnibus): 0.000 Jarque-Bera (JB): 115.676
    Skew: -0.571 Prob(JB): 7.61e-26
    Kurtosis: 3.550 Cond. No. 34.7

    In Reality

    α and β are the unobserved parameters of the model that we aim to estimate, so in practice, we cannot directly calculate the inverse Mills ratio as we did previously. Heckman introduces a preliminary step in his correction method to assist in estimating the inverse Mills ratio. This is why the Heckman’s correction is known as a two stage estimator.

    To recap, our issue is that we don’t observe all the values of the dependent variable. For instance, if we’re examining how education (Z) influences wage (Y), but only observe wages above a certain threshold, we need to develop a theoretical explanation for the education levels of individuals with wages below this threshold. Once we have that, we can estimate a probit model of the following form:

    and use the estimated parameters of this probit model to calculate an estimator for the inverse Mills ratio. In our case (notice I don’t use α and β) —

    from statsmodels.discrete.discrete_model import Probit

    pbit = Probit(df["y"] <= CENSOR, sm.add_constant(df["x"])).fit()
    sample["z_pbit"] = sample["z"] = (pbit.params.const + sample["x"]*pbit.params.x)
    sample["mills_pbit"] = -SIGMA*(norm.pdf(sample["z_pbit"])/(norm.cdf(sample["z_pbit"])))
    correcred_ols = sm.OLS(sample["y"], sm.add_constant(sample[["x", "mills_pbit"]])).fit(cov_type="HC1")

    and again, OLS for the second stage gives us consistent estimators —

                                OLS Regression Results                            
    coef std err z P>|z| [0.025 0.975]
    const -1.8854 0.267 -7.068 0.000 -2.408 -1.363
    x 0.7230 0.049 14.767 0.000 0.627 0.819
    mills_pbit 1.1005 0.135 8.165 0.000 0.836 1.365

    Wrap up

    We used simulated data to demonstrate a sample selection bias problem resulting from censoring dependent variable values. We explored how this issue relates to OLS causal identification assumptions by examining the simulated errors of our model and the biased subsample. Finally, we introduced Heckman’s method for correcting the bias, allowing us to obtain consistent and unbiased estimators even when working with a biased sample.

    If you enjoyed this story, I’d greatly appreciate your support — buying me a coffee would mean a lot!


    [1] James J. Heckman, Sample Selection Bias as a Specification Error (1979), Econometrica

    [2] Nick Huntington-Klein, The Effect Book (2022)

    [3] Christopher Winship, Models for sample bias (1992)

    Unless otherwise noted, all images are by the author

    Heckman Selection Bias Modeling in Causal Studies was originally published in Towards Data Science on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

    Originally appeared here:
    Heckman Selection Bias Modeling in Causal Studies

    Go Here to Read this Fast! Heckman Selection Bias Modeling in Causal Studies

  • How to Easily Validate Your Data with Pandera

    How to Easily Validate Your Data with Pandera

    Conal Henderson

    Learn how to build a simple data model that validates your data through type hints

    Image by Christina Morillo on Pixels

    Many pandas tutorials online teach you the basics of manipulating and cleaning data, but rarely do they show how to validate whether data is correct. This is where data validation using pandera comes in.

    Why Data Validation?

    Like anyone, when I first look at data, I complete basic investigations such as looking at the data types, checking for null values, and visualising data distributions to figure out roughly how I should process data.

    However, we need data validation to confirm our data follows business logic. For example, for data that contains product information, we need to validate that product price has no negative values, or when a user gives an email address, we need to assert the email address follows a recognised pattern.

    Neglecting data validation will have downstream impacts on analytics and modelling as poor data quality can lead to increased bias, noise and inaccuracy.

    A recent example of poor data validation is Zillow’s house pricing algorithm overvaluing 2/3 of the properties Zillow purchased, leading to a $500 million fall in Zillow property valuations in Q3 and Q4 of 2021 alone.

    This shows that not only do you have to be conscious of whether your data meets validation criteria, but whether it reflects reality which in Zillow’s case it did not.

    What is Pandera?

    Pandera is a Python package that provides a well-documented and flexible API that integrates with both pandas and polars — the two main Python data libraries.

    We can use pandera to validate dataframe data types and properties using business logic and domain expertise.


    This article will cover:

    • How to get started with pandera
    • How to define a pandera data model
    • How to validate data and handle errors


    Install Dependencies

    pip install pandas
    pip install pandera


    The data used for this article is fake football market data generated using Claude.ai.

    Define the Validation Model

    The package allows you to define either a validation schema or a data validation model which closely resembles another great data validation package called Pydantic.

    For this exercise, we will focus on the validation model as it allows for type hint integration with our Python code, and I find it is a bit more readable than the validation schema. However, if you want to leverage the validation schema, the model has a method to transform it into a schema.

    You can find information about both validation methods here:

    Load Data

    data = {
    'dob': pd.to_datetime(['1990-05-15', '1988-11-22', '1995-03-10', '1993-07-30', '1992-01-18', '1994-09-05', '1991-12-03', '1989-06-20', '1996-02-14', '1987-08-08']),
    'age': [34, 35, 29, 31, 32, 30, 32, 35, 28, 37],
    'country': ['England', 'Spain', 'Germany', 'France', 'Italy', 'Brazil', 'Argentina', 'Netherlands', 'Portugal', 'England'],
    'current_club': ['Manchester United', 'Chelsea', 'Bayern Munich', 'Paris Saint-Germain', 'Juventus', 'Liverpool', 'Barcelona', 'Ajax', 'Benfica', 'Real Madrid'],
    'height': pd.array([185, 178, None, 176, 188, 182, 170, None, 179, 300], dtype='Int16'),
    'name': ['John Smith', 'Carlos Rodriguez', 'Hans Mueller', 'Pierre Dubois', 'Marco Rossi', 'Felipe Santos', 'Diego Fernandez', 'Jan de Jong', 'Rui Silva', 'Gavin Harris'],
    'position': ['Forward', 'Midfielder', 'Defender', 'Goalkeeper', 'Defender', 'Forward', 'Midfielder', 'Defender', 'Forward', 'Midfielder'],
    'value_euro_m': [75.5, 90.2, 55.8, 40.0, 62.3, 88.7, 70.1, 35.5, 45.9, 95.0],
    'joined_date': pd.to_datetime(['2018-07-01', '2015-08-15', None, '2017-06-30', '2016-09-01', None, '2021-07-15', '2014-08-01', '2022-01-05', '2019-06-01']),
    'number': [9, 10, 4, 1, 3, 11, 8, 5, 7, 17],
    'signed_from': ['Everton', 'Atletico Madrid', 'Borussia Dortmund', None, 'AC Milan', 'Santos', None, 'PSV Eindhoven', 'Sporting CP', 'Newcastle United'],
    'signing_fee_euro_m': [65.0, 80.5, 45.0, None, 55.0, 75.2, 60.8, None, 40.5, 85.0],
    'foot': ['right', 'left', 'right', 'both', 'right', 'left', 'left', 'right', 'both', 'right'],

    df = pd.DataFrame(data)
    Image by author

    Check the Data Types

    Image by author

    We can use the data types to help define our data model.

    Create Data Model

    class PlayerSchema(pa.DataFrameModel):

    dob: Series[pd.Timestamp] = pa.Field(nullable=False, ge=pd.Timestamp('1975-01-01'))
    age: Series[pa.Int64] = pa.Field(ge=0, le=50, nullable=False)
    country: Series[pa.String] = pa.Field(nullable=False)
    current_club: Series[pa.String] = pa.Field(nullable=False)
    height: Series[pa.Int16] = pa.Field(ge=120, le=210, nullable=True)
    name: Series[pa.String] = pa.Field(nullable=False)
    position: Series[pa.String] = pa.Field(nullable=False)
    value_euro_m: Series[pa.Float64] = pa.Field(ge=0, le=200)
    joined_date: Series[pd.Timestamp] = pa.Field(nullable=True, ge=pd.Timestamp('2000-01-01'))
    number: Series[pa.Int64] = pa.Field(ge=0, le=99)
    signed_from: Series[pa.String] = pa.Field(nullable=True)
    signing_fee_euro_m: Series[pa.Float64] = pa.Field(ge=0, le=300, nullable=True)
    foot: Series[pa.String] = pa.Field(nullable=False, isin=['right', 'left', 'both', 'unknown'])

    Above, we define a schema by sub-classing pa.DataFrameModel which is done in the same way you sub-class BaseModel in Pydantic. We then populated the schema with the corresponding columns in our dataset, providing the data type expected in each column, and defining boundaries using the pa.Field method.

    Pandera has great integration with pandas meaning you can use pandas data types (e.g. pd.Timestamp) as well as pandera data types (e.g. pa.Int64) to define each column.

    Reuse Fields

    To avoid repeating fields, we can reuse fields by using partial from the built-in Python library functools.

    from functools import partial

    NullableField = partial(pa.Field, nullable=True)
    NotNullableField = partial(pa.Field, nullable=False)

    The partial class creates a new function that applies a specified subset of parameters from the original function.

    Above, we created two reusable fields for model variables that either contain null values or do not contain null values.

    Our updated data model looks like this

    class PlayerSchema(pa.DataFrameModel):

    dob: Series[pd.Timestamp] = pa.Field(nullable=False, ge=pd.Timestamp('1975-01-01'))
    age: Series[pa.Int64] = pa.Field(ge=0, le=50, nullable=False)
    country: Series[pa.String] = NotNullableField()
    current_club: Series[pa.String] = NotNullableField()
    height: Series[pa.Int16] = pa.Field(ge=120, le=250, nullable=True)
    name: Series[pa.String] = NotNullableField()
    position: Series[pa.String] = NotNullableField()
    value_euro_m: Series[pa.Float64] = pa.Field(ge=0, le=200)
    joined_date: Series[pd.Timestamp] = pa.Field(nullable=True, ge=pd.Timestamp('2000-01-01'))
    number: Series[pa.Int64] = pa.Field(ge=0, le=99)
    signed_from: Series[pa.String] = NullableField()
    signing_fee_euro_m: Series[pa.Float64] = pa.Field(ge=0, le=300, nullable=True)
    foot: Series[pa.String] = pa.Field(nullable=False, isin=['right', 'left', 'both', 'unknown'])

    As partial creates a new function, we have to use brackets to call our new fields.

    Validate Data

    Now that the data model has been defined, we can use it to validate our data.

    def load_data() -> DataFrame[PlayerSchema]:
    return pd.read_parquet('../data/player_info_cleaned.parquet')

    To validate the data, we use a combination of type hints and decorators. The @pa.check_types decorator denotes the data should be validated in line with the schema defined in the return type hint DataFrame[PlayerSchema].

    def validate_data(df: DataFrame) -> DataFrame[PlayerSchema]:
    return df
    except pa.errors.SchemaError as e:

    # error in check_types decorator of function 'load_data': Column 'height' failed element-wise validator number 1: less_than_or_equal_to(210) failure cases: 300

    Using a try-except block, we can catch any errors thrown when the data is loaded and validated. The result shows that the ‘height’ column fails the less than or equal to test, with one height labelled as 300cm which isn’t correct.

    Clean data

    There are many strategies to clean data, some of which I have detailed in my previous article.

    Master Pandas to Build Modular and Reusable Data Pipelines

    For the sake of simplicity, I will impute any values above 210cm with the median height for the population.

    def clean_height(df: DataFrame) -> DataFrame[PlayerSchema]:
    data = df.copy()
    data.loc[data[PlayerSchema.height] > 210, PlayerSchema.height] = round(data[PlayerSchema.height].median())
    return data

    df = clean_height(df)

    Another useful property of pandera is the schema can be used to specify column names you would like to analyse in pandas. For example, instead of explicitly labelling ‘height’ we can use PlayerSchema.heightto improve readability and encourage consistency in our code.


    As our data has already been loaded in, we can adapt the previous function to take in a dataframe as an input, run the dataframe through the try-except block and evaluate using the decorator and type hint.


    # if there are no errors, the dataframe is the output.

    This time there are no errors meaning the dataframe is returned as the function output.


    This article has outlined why it is important to validate data to check it is consistent with business logic and reflects the real world, with the example of Zillow used to illustrate how poor data validation can have drastic consequences.

    Pandera was used to show how data validation can be easily integrated with pandas to quickly validate a schema that closely resembles Pydantic using decorators and type hints. It was also shown how pa.Field can be used to set boundaries for your data and when used with partialreusable fields can be created to increase code readability.

    I hope you found this article useful and thanks for reading. Reach out to me on LinkedIn if you have any questions!

    How to Easily Validate Your Data with Pandera was originally published in Towards Data Science on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

    Originally appeared here:
    How to Easily Validate Your Data with Pandera

    Go Here to Read this Fast! How to Easily Validate Your Data with Pandera

  • Running a SOTA 7B Parameter Embedding Model on a Single GPU

    Running a SOTA 7B Parameter Embedding Model on a Single GPU

    Szymon Palucha

    Running Qwen2 on SageMaker

    In this post I will explain how to run a state-of-the-art 7B parameter LLM based embedding model on just a single 24GB GPU. I will cover some theory and then show how to run it with the HuggingFace Transformers library in Python in just a few lines of code!

    The model that we will run in the Qwen2 open source model (Alibaba-NLP/gte-Qwen2–7B-instruct) which was released in June 2024, and at the time of finishing this article is in 4th place on the Massive Text Embeddings Benchmark on HuggingFace.

    ScreenShot of the MTEB Leaderboard on HuggingFace from July 2024. The model was in 1st place in June 2024 and has subsequently dropped to 4th place. This shows the pace of development in AI these days!

    Theoretical Memory Requirements

    Loading a Model

    The amount of memory required to load a machine learning model (e.g. LLM or Embedding model) can be calculated from the number of its parameters.

    For example, a 7B parameter model in fp32 (float32 precision), means that we need to store 7B numbers in 32-bit precision in order to initialise the model in memory and be able to use it. Therefore, recalling that there are 8 bits in one byte, the memory needed to load the model is

    Memory of a 7B param model in fp32 = 7B * 32 bits = 7B * 32 / 8 bytes = 28B bytes = 28GB.

    So in order to run this model we need at least 28GB of GPU memory. In fact there is also some additional overhead as described in this post. As a result to run this model in full precision we cannot use smaller and cheaper GPU’s which have 16GB or 24GB of memory.

    So without a more powerful GPU such as NVIDIA’s A100, what alternatives do we have? It turns out there a few different techniques to reduce the memory requirement. The simplest one is to reduce the precision of the parameters. Most models can now be used in half precision without any significant loss in accuracy. The memory required to load a model in fp16 or bf16 is

    Memory of a 7B param model in fp16 = 7B * 16 bits = 7B * 16 / 8 bytes = 14B bytes = 14GB.

    Whilst this is already good enough to load the model on a 24GB GPU, we would still struggle to run it on a 16GB GPU, due to the additional overheads and extra requirements during inference.

    Reducing the precision anymore than this naively would already start impacting performance but there is a technique called quantisation which is able to reduce the precision even further (such as into 8bits or 4bits) without a significant drop in accuracy. Recent research in LLMs has even shown the possibility of using 1 bit precision (actually, log_2(3) = 1.58 bits) known as 1-bit LLMs. The parameters of these models can only take the values of 1, -1 or 0!

    To read up more on these topics I would recommend:


    The above calculations only tell us how much memory we need to simply load the model! On top of this we need additional memory to actually run some input through the model. For the Qwen2 embedding model and LLMs in general the extra memory required depends on the size of the context window (ie. the length of the text passed into the model).

    Older Models with Original Self-Attention Mechanism

    Before the release of Flash Attention which is now widely adopted, a lot of older Language Models were using the original self-attention from the Transformer architecture. This mechanism requires an additional memory which scales quadratically with the input sequence length. To illustrate why that’s the case below is a great visual reminder of self-attention.

    A great visual of the self-attention mechanism. Source: Sebastian Raschka, https://magazine.sebastianraschka.com/p/understanding-and-coding-self-attention, reproduced with author’s permission.

    From the diagram we can see that apart from model weights (the Wq, Wk, Wv matrices) which we accounted for when calculating the memory required to load the model, there are many additional calculations and their outputs which need to be stored. These include for example, the inputs X, the Q, K, V matrices, and the attention matrix QK^T. It turns out that as the size of the input sequence length, n, grows the attention matrix becomes the dominant factor in the extra memory required.

    To understand this we can perform a few simple calculations. For example, in the original transformer the embedding dimension size, d, was 512. So for an input sequence of 512 tokens both the inputs X and the attention matrix would require an additional 1MB of memory each in fp32.

    512² floats = 512² * 32 bits = 512² * 4 bytes = 1MB

    If we increase the input sequence length to 8000 tokens, the extra memory requirements would be

    Inputs X = 512 * 8000 * 4 bytes = 16MB; Attention Matrix = 8000² * 4 bytes = 256MB.

    and if we increase the input sequence length to 32k tokens the extra memory requirements would be

    Inputs X = 512 * 32000 * 4 bytes = 65MB; Attention Matrix = 32000² * 4 bytes = 4GB!

    As you can see the extra memory required grows very quickly with the size of the context window, and is quickly dominated by the number of floats in the attention matrix!

    The above calculations are still very much a simplification as there a lot more details which contribute to even more memory usage. For instance, in the original transformer there is also multi-head attention — where the attention computation is computed in parallel with many different heads (8 in the original implementation). So we need to multiply the required memory by the number of heads. Similarly, the above calculations were for a batch size of 1, if we want to embed many different texts at once we can increase the batch size, but at the cost of additional memory. For a detailed breakdown of the different memory requirements see the following article.

    More Recent Models like Qwen2

    Since the release of the Transformer in 2017, there has been a lot of research into alternative attention mechanisms to avoid the n² bottleneck. However, they came with the tradeoff of decreased accuracy. In 2022, an exact attention mechanism came out with specific GPU optimisations called Flash Attention and has been widely adopted in LLMs. Since then theres been further iterations including the recent Flash Attention 3 released in July 2024. The most important takeaway for us is that Flash Attention scales linearly with the input sequence length!

    Below is a theoretical derivation which compares the memory requirements of a 20B parameter model with different sequence lengths of different attention mechanisms. The Padding-Free Transformer is yet another optimisation which removes the need of padding — very useful if you have one long sequence and many short sequences in a batch.

    Theoretical estimates of memory requirements for a 20B parameter model with different Attention Mechanisms. The main takeaway is the quadratic vs linear scaling. Source: Mayank Mishra, Saving Memory Using Padding-Free Transformer Layers during Finetuning, reproduced with author’s permission.

    The Qwen2 model uses both the Flash Attention and padding optimisations. Now with the theory covered let’s see how to actually run the Qwen2 model!

    Running a 7B Qwen2 Model with HuggingFace Transformers

    Set Up

    The model that we will experiment with is the Alibaba-NLP/gte-Qwen2-7B-instruct from Transformers. The model card is here.

    To perform this experiment, I have used Python 3.10.8 and installed the following packages:

    flash-attn @ https://github.com/Dao-AILab/flash-attention/releases/download/v2.5.8/flash_attn-2.5.8+cu122torch2.3cxx11abiFALSE-cp310-cp310-linux_x86_64.whl

    I ran into some difficulty in installing flash-attn required to run this model and so had to install the specific version listed above. If anyone has a better workaround please let me know!

    The Amazon SageMaker instance I used for this experiment is the ml.g5.2xlarge. It has a 24GB NVIDIA A10G GPU and 32GB of CPU memory and it costs $1.69/hour. The below screenshot from AWS shows all the details of the instance

    SageMaker g5 instance types from AWS docs.

    Actually to be precise if you run nvidia-smi you will see that the instance only has 23GB of GPU memory which is slightly less than advertised. The CUDA version on this GPU is 12.2.

    How to Run — In Detail

    If you look at the model card, one of the suggested ways to use this model is via the sentence-transformers library as show below

    from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer

    # This will not run on our 24GB GPU!
    model = SentenceTransformer("Alibaba-NLP/gte-Qwen2-7B-instruct", trust_remote_code=True)
    embeddings = model.encode(list_of_examples)

    Sentence-transformers is an extension of the Transformers package for computing embeddings and is very useful as you can get things working with two lines of code. The downside is that you have less control on how to load the model as it hides away tokenisation and pooling details. The above code will not run on our GPU instance because it attempts to load the model in full float32 precision which would take 28GB of memory. When the sentence transformer model is initialised it checks for available devices (cuda for GPU) and automatically shifts the Pytorch model onto the device. As a result it gets stuck after loading 5/7ths of the model and crashes.

    Instead we need to be able to load the model in float16 precision before we move it onto the GPU. As such we need to use the lower level Transformers library. (I am not sure of a way to do it with sentence-transformers but let me know if one exists!) We do this as follows

    import transformers
    import torch

    model_path = "Alibaba-NLP/gte-Qwen2-7B-instruct"
    model = transformers.AutoModel.from_pretrained(model_path, trust_remote_code=True, torch_dtype=torch.float16).to("cuda")

    With the torch_dtype parameter we specify that the model should be loaded in float16 precision straight away, thus only requiring 14GB of memory. We then need to move the model onto the GPU device which is achieved with the to method. Using the above code, the model takes almost 2min to load!

    Since we are using transformers we need to separately load the tokeniser to tokenise the input texts as follows:

    tokenizer = transformers.AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_path)

    The next step is to tokenise the input texts which is done as follows:

    texts = ["example text 1", "example text 2 of different length"]
    max_length = 32768
    batch_dict = tokenizer(texts, max_length=max_length, padding=True, truncation=True, return_tensors="pt").to(DEVICE)

    The maximum length of the Qwen2 model is 32678, however as we will see later we are unable to run it with such a long sequence on our 24GB GPU due to the additional memory requirements. I would recommend reducing this to no more than 24,000 to avoid out of memory errors. Padding ensures that all the inputs in the batch have the same length whilst truncation ensures that any inputs longer than the maximum length will be truncated. For more information please see the docs. Finally, we ensure that we return PyTorch tensors (default would be lists instead) and move these tensors onto the GPU to be available to pass to the model.

    The next step is to pass the inputs through our model and perform pooling. This is done as follows

    with torch.no_grad():
    outputs = model(**batch_dict)
    embeddings = last_token_pool(outputs.last_hidden_state, batch_dict["attention_mask"])

    with the last_token_pool which looks as follows:

    def last_token_pool(last_hidden_states: torch.Tensor, attention_mask: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
    # checks whether there is any padding (where attention mask = 0 for a given text)
    no_padding = attention_mask[:, -1].sum() == attention_mask.shape[0]
    # if no padding - only would happen if batch size of 1 or all sequnces have the same length, then take the last tokens as the embeddings
    if no_padding:
    return last_hidden_states[:, -1]
    # otherwise use the last non padding token for each text in the batch
    sequence_lengths = attention_mask.sum(dim=1) - 1
    batch_size = last_hidden_states.shape[0]
    return last_hidden_states[torch.arange(batch_size, device=last_hidden_states.device), sequence_lengthsLet’s break down what happened in the above code snippets!
    • The torch.no_grad() context manager is used to disable gradient calculation, since we are not training the model and hence to speed up the inference.
    • We then pass the tokenised inputs into the transformer model.
    • We retrieve the outputs from the last layer of the model with the last_hidden_state attribute. This is a tensor of shape (batch_size, max_sequence_length, embedding dimension). Essentially for each example in the batch the transformer outputs embeddings for all the tokens in the sequence.
    • We now need some way of combining all the token embeddings into a single embedding to represent the input text. This is called pooling and it is done in the same way as during training of the model.
    • In older BERT based models the first token was typically used (which represented the special classification [CLS] token). However, the Qwen2 model is LLM-based, i.e. transformer decoder based. In the decoder, the tokens are generated auto regressively (one after another) and so the last token contains all the information encoded about the sentence.
    • The goal of the last_token_pool function is to therefore select the embedding of the last generated token (which was not the padding token) for each example in the batch.
    • It uses the attention_mask which tells the model which of the tokens are padding tokens for each example in the batch (see the docs).

    Annotated Example

    Let’s look at an example to understand it in a bit more detail. Let’s say we want to embed two examples in a single batch:

    texts = ["example text 1", "example text 2 of different length"]

    The outputs of the tokeniser (the batch_dict ) will look as follows:

    >>> batch_dict
    {'input_ids': tensor([[ 8687, 1467, 220, 16, 151643, 151643, 151643],
    [ 8687, 1467, 220, 17, 315, 2155, 3084]],
    device='cuda:0'), 'attention_mask': tensor([[1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0],
    [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]], device='cuda:0')}

    From this you can see that the first sentence gets split into four tokens (8687, 1467, 220, 16), while the second sentence get split into seven tokens. As a result, the first sentence is padded (with three padding tokens with id 151643) up to length seven — the maximum in the batch. The attention mask reflects this — it has three zeros for the first example corresponding to the location of the padding tokens. Both the tensors have the same size

    >>> batch_dict.input_ids.shape
    torch.Size([2, 7])
    >>> batch_dict.attention_mask.shape
    torch.Size([2, 7])

    Now passing the batch_dict through the model we can retrieve the models last hidden state of shape:

    >>> outputs.last_hidden_state.shape
    torch.Size([2, 7, 3584])

    We can see that this is of shape (batch_size, max_sequence_length, embedding dimension). Qwen2 has an embedding dimension of 3584!

    Now we are in the last_token_pool function. The first line checks if padding exists, it does it by summing the last “column” of the attention_mask and comparing it to the batch_size (given by attention_mask.shape[0]. This will only result in true if there exists a 1 in all of the attention mask, i.e. if all the examples are the same length or if we only have one example.

    >>> attention_mask.shape[0]
    >>> attention_mask[:, -1]
    tensor([0, 1], device='cuda:0')

    If there was indeed no padding we would simply select the last token embedding for each of the examples with last_hidden_states[:, -1]. However, since we have padding we need to select the last non-padding token embedding from each example in the batch. In order to pick this embedding we need to get its index for each example. This is achieved via

    >>> sequence_lengths = attention_mask.sum(dim=1) - 1
    >>> sequence_lengths
    tensor([3, 6], device='cuda:0')

    So now we need to simply index into the tensor, with the correct indices in the first two dimensions. To get the indices for all the examples in the batch we can use torch.arange as follows:

    >>> torch.arange(batch_size, device=last_hidden_states.device)
    tensor([0, 1], device='cuda:0')

    Then we can pluck out the correct token embeddings for each example using this and the indices of the last non padding token:

    >>> embeddings = last_hidden_states[torch.arange(batch_size, device=last_hidden_states.device), sequence_lengths]
    >>> embeddings.shape
    torch.Size([2, 3584])

    And we get two embeddings for the two examples passed in!

    How to Run — TLDR

    The full code separated out into functions looks like

    import numpy as np
    import numpy.typing as npt
    import torch
    import transformers

    DEVICE = torch.device("cuda")

    def last_token_pool(last_hidden_states: torch.Tensor, attention_mask: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
    # checks whether there is any padding (where attention mask = 0 for a given text)
    no_padding = attention_mask[:, -1].sum() == attention_mask.shape[0]
    # if no padding - only would happen if batch size of 1 or all sequnces have the same length, then take the last tokens as the embeddings
    if no_padding:
    return last_hidden_states[:, -1]
    # otherwise use the last non padding token for each text in the batch
    sequence_lengths = attention_mask.sum(dim=1) - 1
    batch_size = last_hidden_states.shape[0]
    return last_hidden_states[torch.arange(batch_size, device=last_hidden_states.device), sequence_lengths

    def encode_with_qwen_model(
    model: transformers.PreTrainedModel,
    tokenizer: transformers.tokenization_utils.PreTrainedTokenizer | transformers.tokenization_utils_fast.PreTrainedTokenizerFast,
    texts: list[str],
    max_length: int = 32768,
    ) -> npt.NDArray[np.float16]:
    batch_dict = tokenizer(texts, max_length=max_length, padding=True, truncation=True, return_tensors="pt").to(DEVICE)

    with torch.no_grad():
    outputs = model(**batch_dict)
    embeddings = last_token_pool(outputs.last_hidden_state, batch_dict["attention_mask"])
    return embeddings.cpu().numpy()

    def main() -> None:
    model_path = "Alibaba-NLP/gte-Qwen2-7B-instruct"
    tokenizer = transformers.AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_path)
    model = transformers.AutoModel.from_pretrained(model_path, trust_remote_code=True, torch_dtype=torch.float16).to(DEVICE)
    print("Loaded tokeniser and model")

    texts_to_encode = ["example text 1", "example text 2 of different length"]
    embeddings = encode_with_qwen_model(model, tokenizer, texts_to_encode)

    if __name__ == "__main__":

    The encode_with_qwen_model returns a numpy array. In order to convert a PyTorch tensor to a numpy array we first have to move it off the GPU back onto the CPU which is achieved with the cpu() method. Please note that if you are planning to run long texts you should reduce the batch size to 1 and only embed one example at a time (thus reducing the list texts_to_encode to length 1).

    Empirical Memory Usage Tests with Context Length

    Before we saw how the memory usage varies with the input text size from a theoretical standpoint. We can also measure how much memory the GPU actually uses when embedding texts of different length and verify the scaling empirically! I got the idea from this great HuggingFace tutorial: Getting the most out of LLMs.

    To do this we will make use of some extra functions

    import gc

    def flush() -> None:

    def bytes_to_giga_bytes(bytes_: float) -> float:
    return bytes_ / 1024 / 1024 / 1024

    as well the


    function to measure the peak GPU usage. The flush function will clear and reset the memory after each pass through the model. We will run texts of different lengths through the model and print out the peak and effective GPU usage. The effective GPU usage is the model size usage subtracted from the total usage which gives us an idea of how much extra memory we need to run the text through the model.

    The full code I used is below:

    import gc

    import numpy as np
    import numpy.typing as npt
    import torch
    import transformers

    DEVICE = torch.device("cuda")

    def last_token_pool(last_hidden_states: torch.Tensor, attention_mask: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
    # checks whether there is any padding (where attention mask = 0 for a given text)
    left_padding = attention_mask[:, -1].sum() == attention_mask.shape[0]
    # if no padding - only would happen if batch size of 1 or all sequences have the same length, then take the last tokens as the embeddings
    if left_padding:
    return last_hidden_states[:, -1]
    # otherwise use the last non padding token for each text in the batch
    sequence_lengths = attention_mask.sum(dim=1) - 1
    batch_size = last_hidden_states.shape[0]
    return last_hidden_states[torch.arange(batch_size, device=last_hidden_states.device), sequence_lengths]

    def encode_with_qwen_model(
    model: transformers.PreTrainedModel,
    tokenizer: transformers.tokenization_utils.PreTrainedTokenizer | transformers.tokenization_utils_fast.PreTrainedTokenizerFast,
    texts: list[str] | str,
    max_length: int = 32768,
    ) -> npt.NDArray[np.float16]:
    batch_dict = tokenizer(texts, max_length=max_length, padding=True, truncation=True, return_tensors="pt").to(DEVICE)

    with torch.no_grad():
    outputs = model(**batch_dict)
    embeddings = last_token_pool(outputs.last_hidden_state, batch_dict["attention_mask"])
    return embeddings.cpu().numpy()

    def flush() -> None:

    def bytes_to_giga_bytes(bytes_: float) -> float:
    return bytes_ / 1024 / 1024 / 1024

    def memory_usage_experiments(
    model: transformers.PreTrainedModel,
    tokenizer: transformers.tokenization_utils.PreTrainedTokenizer | transformers.tokenization_utils_fast.PreTrainedTokenizerFast,
    ) -> None:
    model_size = bytes_to_giga_bytes(torch.cuda.max_memory_allocated())
    print(f"Most gpu usage on model loaded: {model_size} GBn")
    sentence = "This sentence should have minimum eight tokens. "
    all_texts = [sentence, sentence * 100, sentence * 1000, sentence * 2000, sentence * 3000, sentence * 4000]
    for texts in all_texts:
    batch_dict = tokenizer(texts, max_length=32768, padding=True, truncation=True, return_tensors="pt")
    encode_with_qwen_model(model, tokenizer, texts)
    max_mem = bytes_to_giga_bytes(torch.cuda.max_memory_allocated())
    print(f"Sequence length: {batch_dict.input_ids.shape[-1]}. Most gpu usage: {max_mem} GB. Effective usage: {max_mem - model_size} GBn")

    def main() -> None:
    model_path = "Alibaba-NLP/gte-Qwen2-7B-instruct"
    tokenizer = transformers.AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_path)
    model = transformers.AutoModel.from_pretrained(model_path, trust_remote_code=True, torch_dtype=torch.float16).to(DEVICE)
    print("Loaded tokeniser and model")

    memory_usage_experiments(model, tokenizer)

    if __name__ == "__main__":

    and the traceback is

    Most gpu usage on model loaded: 14.958292961120605 GB

    Sequence length: 9. Most gpu usage: 14.967926502227783 GB. Effective usage: 0.009633541107177734 GB

    Sequence length: 801. Most gpu usage: 15.11520528793335 GB. Effective usage: 0.15691232681274414 GB

    Sequence length: 8001. Most gpu usage: 16.45930576324463 GB. Effective usage: 1.5010128021240234 GB

    Sequence length: 16001. Most gpu usage: 17.944651126861572 GB. Effective usage: 2.986358165740967 GB

    Sequence length: 24001. Most gpu usage: 19.432421684265137 GB. Effective usage: 4.474128723144531 GB

    torch.cuda.OutOfMemoryError: CUDA out of memory. Tried to allocate 1.13 GiB. GPU

    We can see from this that the Qwen2 model indeed scales linearly with the size of the input text. For example, as we double the number of tokens from 8000 to 16000, the effective memory usage roughly doubles as well. Unfortunately, trying to run a sequence of length 32000 through the model resulted in a CUDA OOM error so even with a 24GB GPU in float 16 precision we are still unable to utilise the full context window of the model.

    Other Aspects

    Running Qwen2 in fp32

    To run the Qwen2 model in full precision we have two options. Firstly we can get access to a bigger GPU — for example 40GB would be enough. However, this could be costly. Amazon SageMaker for instance does not have an instance with a single 40GB GPU, instead it has an instance with 8 of them! But that wouldn’t be useful as we do not need the other 7 sitting idly. Of course we may also look at other providers as well — there are quite a few now and offering competitive prices.

    The other option is to run the model on an instance with multiple smaller GPUs. The model can be sharded across different GPUs — i.e. different layers of the model are put on different GPUs and the data gets moved across the devices during inference. To do this with HuggingFace you can do

    model_path = "Alibaba-NLP/gte-Qwen2-7B-instruct"
    model = transformers.AutoModel.from_pretrained(model_path, trust_remote_code=True, device_map="auto").to("cuda")

    For more information on how this works see the following docs and the conceptual guide. The caveat is that this way of doing it is a lot slower — due to the overhead of inter-GPU communication, moving data across the different devices to perform inference. This implementation is also not optimised, meaning execution on each GPU happens sequentially whilst others are sitting idle. If you were embedding thousands of texts or training the model you would ideally have all the GPUs constantly doing some work.

    Running Qwen2 on smaller GPUs

    To run this model on even smaller GPUs you would need to quantise the model. Two popular options would be

    • Via HuggingFace which has various methods available (see docs).
    • Via the vLLM package.


    In conclusion in this article we saw how to run a 7B LLM based Qwen2 Embedding model on a single 24GB GPU. We saw how the size of the model is calculated from the number of its parameters and that we need to load the model in float16 precision to fit it onto the 24GB GPU. We then saw that extra memory is required to actually run an example through the model which depends on the size of the context window and varies depending on the underlining attention mechanism used. Finally we saw how to do all of this in just a few lines of code with the Transformers library.

    Running a SOTA 7B Parameter Embedding Model on a Single GPU was originally published in Towards Data Science on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

    Originally appeared here:
    Running a SOTA 7B Parameter Embedding Model on a Single GPU

    Go Here to Read this Fast! Running a SOTA 7B Parameter Embedding Model on a Single GPU

  • Beyond Fine-Tuning: Merging Specialized LLMs Without the Data Burden

    Elahe Aghapour & Salar Rahili

    In-Depth Exploration of Integrating Foundational Models such as LLMs and VLMs into RL Training Loop

    Authors: Elahe Aghapour, Salar Rahili


    The field of computer vision and natural language processing is evolving rapidly, leading to a growing demand for specialized models fine-tuned for specific downstream tasks. However, having different fine-tuned models has multiple drawbacks:
    1. For each task, a separate model must be stored and deployed (this issue can be resolved by applying methods like LoRA for fine-tuning).
    2. Independently fine-tuned models cannot benefit from leveraging information from related tasks, which limits their generalization across both in-domain and out-of-domain tasks. However, multi-task learning requires access to datasets for each specific task, and integrating these datasets can be complicated. What if we do not have access to datasets for all downstream tasks, but the fine-tuned models are available? Imagine you need a large language model (LLM) fine-tuned on a set of specific tasks. Instead of collecting extensive datasets for downstream tasks and undergoing the resource-heavy process of fine-tuning, you can find LLMs fine-tuned on each task and merge these models to create the desired one. Note that finding such models is not a difficult task within the large Hugging Face repository, which hosts approximately 0.5 million fine-tuned models. Merging multiple models has recently gained significant attention, primarily because it requires lightweight computation and no training data.

    Fig.1 Model ensemble combines outputs from multiple models to boost accuracy but requires more computational resources. Multi-task learning trains one model on several tasks simultaneously, needing access to all datasets and high computational power. Model merging, however, fuses pre-trained models into one, leveraging their strengths with minimal computation and no extra training costs, offering a highly efficient solution (image from paper).

    With the growing attention to merging, public libraries such as WEBUI and MergeKit have been developed to facilitate this process. WebUIs enables merging fine-tuned models such as Stable Diffusion using different merging techniques. MergeKit is an open-source, centralized library that offers different merging methods. It facilitates model merging by its efficient implementation of merging techniques, applicable on any hardware.

    Here, we categorized merging methods into three main categories:
    1. merging models with identical architectures and initializations,
    2. merging models with identical architectures but different initializations,
    3. merging models with different architectures.
    Each category involves different techniques to effectively combine models, which will be explained below.

    1. Merging Models with Both Identical Architectures and Initializations:

    1.a Merging With No Data Requirement:

    The model merging methods in this section are all based on Linear Mode Connectivity (LMC). LMC suggests that for models with identical architecture and initialization, the loss between their checkpoints can be connected by a low-loss linear path. This means that these models can be combined using linear interpolation.

    To fine-tune a model, various configurations, like different learning rates, random seeds, and data augmentation techniques can be applied which result in different model parameters. Model soup proposes averaging these parameters since these models have learned similar representations and are close in parameter space. Weighted model averaging leads to a flat local optimum with better generalization to out-of-distribution tasks [see 1314]

    Fig. 2 Pl shows the result of model soup merging while Ps presents the result of SLERP merging (image by authors).

    SLERP (Spherical Linear Interpolation, first introduced here) is a technique commonly used in computer graphics and animation for smoothly interpolating between rotations represented by quaternions. SLERP is also applicable in model merging. It merges two sets of model parameters by interpolating along a spherical path instead of a straight line. Fig. 2 shows that for the given two model parameters p1 and p2, SLERP merges these parameters along the globe’s surface, providing a smooth transition. This method is commonly used in merging LLMs.
    Assume two MLP models are given, each fine-tuned on a different downstream task. SLERP can merge these two models using the following steps:
    Step 1: For each model parameters, flatten and concatenate them into vectors v1, v2
    Step 2: Normalize the vectors v1​ and v2 to be on the unit hypersphere surface (resulting in v1′​ and v2′​).
    Step 3: Calculate the angle θ (in radians) between these two vectors.
    Step 4: Calculate Vslerp​ using the SLERP formula as:

    where t is the interpolation parameter as t=0 means only Model 1 is used, while t=1 means only Model 2 is used.
    Linear weight averaging techniques, such as model soup and SLERP, have been common in the field of computer vision from image processing and classification models to image generation models such as latent diffusion models.

    Task arithmetic introduces a method based on task vectors. A task vector is calculated by subtracting the weights of a pretrained model (θpre​) from the weights of the same model fine-tuned for a specific task (θft​), as
    τ = θft − θpre​. This vector represents a direction in the weight space of the pretrained model where moving in that direction enhances performance on that task. Task vectors can be combined together by arithmetic operations such as negation and addition. Negating a task vector (θpre — τ) reduces the model’s performance on the target task (forgetting) with minimal impact on control tasks. To enhance the performance of the pre-trained model across multiple tasks, we can initially learn a task vector for each task. By then summing these task vectors (θpre+∑τi), we improve the model’s capability to handle multiple tasks simultaneously.

    TIES addresses performance drops due to parameter interference when combining task vectors (∑τi​). This issue can be solved through three steps (see Fig. 3):
    (1) trim each task vector to the top-k% (usually k=20) largest magnitude values,
    (2) for each non-zero parameter, select the sign with the highest total magnitude across all task vectors to avoid conflicting changes, and
    (3) merging values only from task vectors with the same sign as the elected one.

    Fig. 3 A depiction of the steps involved in TIES. Each parameter in a model is visualized as a square. The arrows depict the update (task vector, τ ) to a parameter produced by fine-tuning on different tasks (coded by colors), with direction denoting sign and length denoting magnitude. 1- Trim the task vector values based on their magnitude, 2- Elect the sign for each parameter (γm, green vector containing +1 or −1) by resolving sign conflicts, 3- Pick only the values that align with the elected sign and take their mean as the final parameter value. (image from paper)

    DARE is mainly focused on LLM’s model merging and identifies the extreme redundancy in the task vector (τ = θft−θpre). It proposes a three step approach:
    1- Randomly drop p% (usually p =90) of the task vector values,
    2- Rescale the remaining ones by a factor of 1/(1 − p), and
    3- Merge (θpre + λi ∑τi)
    where λi is the scaling term, representing the importance of each task vector to be merged.

    1.b Merging With Data Requirement:

    The merging methods that we discussed above require no data. However, there are approaches that do need data to determine the optimal weights for merging the parameters. These methods use data to compute the activations and then adjust the weights accordingly.

    One such approach is Fisher Merging. Given K fine-tuned models, each trained on a different downstream task starting from a specific pretrained checkpoint, Fisher Merging performs a weighted summation of each model’s parameters. The weights are calculated using the Fisher information matrix, which requires some data from each task for the matrix construction.

    In a related development, RegMean significantly outperforms Fisher-weighted merging by recasting the model merging task as a linear regression problem. This method derives closed-form solutions for the weights of linear layers and interpolates other weights (like layer normalization and bias terms) evenly. Given K fine-tuned models and some data Xi i= 1,..,K, for each task, the linear layers of the merged model can be determined as follows:

    Where Wi is the linear layer from the ith fine-tuned model.

    2. Merging Models with Identical Architectures but Different Initializations

    Given models that have the same architecture and training dataset but different initializations, simple merging methods like linear model combination often fail to perform well. The main reason is that the weights of the models are not aligned. Hence, researchers have developed techniques to leverage the permutation symmetry of neural networks. By reordering the neurons of the models, their weights can align better, which makes the merging process more effective.

    Git-Rebasin suggests permuting the weights of one model to match the configuration of another. Assume two models, A and B are given with the same architecture and training dataset, but their initializations and training data orders were different. The weights of each network can be permuted without changing its functionality, which means that swapping neurons in hidden layers can result in functionally equivalent models.

    They formulated this as an optimization problem to identify the optimal permutations of units across layers that align the two models’ parameters in the weight space. This alignment ensures that the models are in a similar “basin” of the loss landscape, which leads to a smooth and effective merging. To this goal, Git-Rebasin proposed the following three steps:
    1. For each layer, the problem of finding the best permutations is formulated as a Linear Assignment Problem (LAP). This step involves computing a matrix of activations and finding the optimal permutation matrix that aligns the activations.
    2. Given the optimal permutations for all layers, the weights of model B will be permuted.
    3. Linear model combination between the permuted weights of model B and the weights of model A lies within a low-loss basin in the loss landscape, which ensures that the merged model performs well.

    REPAIR addresses a critical issue in the Rebasin merging method known as variance collapse, in which the hidden units have significantly smaller activation variance compared to the corresponding units of the original networks before they were interpolated. Therefore, the activations of neurons become nearly constant in deeper layers, hence the network will no longer even be able to differentiate between inputs. REPAIR resolves this issue by rescaling the activations of the interpolated networks to match the statistical properties of the original networks. By adjusting the means and variances of the activations, the interpolated network maintains functional variability throughout its layers. Applying the REPAIR method significantly reduces the interpolation barrier, improving the performance of interpolated models.

    3. Merging Models with Different Architectures

    In contrast to the methods discussed so far, Frankenmerging does not fuse models into a single one, and instead stacks different layers of different models sequentially. Therefore, it is able to merge models with different architectures.
    For example, to construct an LLM with 40 layers, one might stack the first 24 layers from one LLM onto layers 25–40 from another LLM. This method has gained significant attention in style transfer in computer vision. Despite requiring a lot of trial and error and experimentation, it has led to impressive LLM models such as Goliath and Solar-10.7B [see here].

    Fig.4 Overview of EvolutionaryOptimization approach (image from paper).

    EvolutionaryOptimization proposes a framework to automatically merge a given set of foundation models, such that the merged model outperforms any individual model in the given set. This approach involves two main phases (see Fig. 4):

    In the first phase, this method uses TIES-Merging with DARE for layer-wise merging of N foundational models. The process is optimized by using an evolutionary algorithm guided by task-specific metrics (e.g., accuracy for MGSM, ROUGE score for VQA). To find unknown variables such as dropout percentages in DARE and weights of each model’s parameters in merging, the evolutionary optimization begins with a group of possible solutions that evolve over time. Through mutation (small random changes) and crossover (combining parts of two solutions), the best solutions are selected to create a new group of candidates. This iterative process leads to progressively better solutions.

    In the second phase, where a set of N models is given, the goal is to find an optimal model with T layers using Frankenmerging. To reduce the search space and make the optimization tractable, all layers are laid out in sequential order (i.e., all layers in the i-th model followed by those in the i + 1-th model) and repeated r times. In this phase, the goal is to find an optimal indicator which determines the inclusion/exclusion of layers: if Indicator(i)>0, the ith layer is included in the merged model; otherwise, it is excluded.

    The EvolutionaryOptimization process begins with applying the first phase to a collection of models. Then, the merged model from the first step is added to the given collection and the second phase is applied on this enlarged collection to find an optimal indicator which selects T layers for the final merged model. This approach applied to merge a Japanese LLM with an English Math LLM to build a Japanese Math LLM. The merged model achieved state-of-the-art performance on a variety of established Japanese LLM benchmarks, even outperforming models with significantly more parameters, despite not being trained for such tasks.

    The opinions expressed in this blog post are solely our own and do not reflect those of our employer.

    Also Read Our Previous Post: From Unimodals to Multimodality: DIY Techniques for Building Foundational Models


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    [8] REPAIR: Jordan, Keller, et al. “Repair: Renormalizing permuted activations for interpolation repair.” (2022).
    [9] Frankenmerging: Charles O. Goddard. 2024. mergekit.
    [10] EvolutionaryOptimization: Akiba, Takuya, et al. “Evolutionary optimization of model merging recipes.” (2024).
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    Beyond Fine-Tuning: Merging Specialized LLMs Without the Data Burden was originally published in Towards Data Science on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

    Originally appeared here:
    Beyond Fine-Tuning: Merging Specialized LLMs Without the Data Burden

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