Tag: AI

  • From Basics to Advanced: Exploring LangGraph

    From Basics to Advanced: Exploring LangGraph

    Mariya Mansurova

    Building single- and multi-agent workflows with human-in-the-loop interactions

    Image by DALL-E 3

    LangChain is one of the leading frameworks for building applications powered by Lardge Language Models. With the LangChain Expression Language (LCEL), defining and executing step-by-step action sequences — also known as chains — becomes much simpler. In more technical terms, LangChain allows us to create DAGs (directed acyclic graphs).

    As LLM applications, particularly LLM agents, have evolved, we’ve begun to use LLMs not just for execution but also as reasoning engines. This shift has introduced interactions that frequently involve repetition (cycles) and complex conditions. In such scenarios, LCEL is not sufficient, so LangChain implemented a new module — LangGraph.

    LangGraph (as you might guess from the name) models all interactions as cyclical graphs. These graphs enable the development of advanced workflows and interactions with multiple loops and if-statements, making it a handy tool for creating both agent and multi-agent workflows.

    In this article, I will explore LangGraph’s key features and capabilities, including multi-agent applications. We’ll build a system that can answer different types of questions and dive into how to implement a human-in-the-loop setup.

    In the previous article, we tried using CrewAI, another popular framework for multi-agent systems. LangGraph, however, takes a different approach. While CrewAI is a high-level framework with many predefined features and ready-to-use components, LangGraph operates at a lower level, offering extensive customization and control.

    With that introduction, let’s dive into the fundamental concepts of LangGraph.

    LangGraph basics

    LangGraph is part of the LangChain ecosystem, so we will continue using well-known concepts like prompt templates, tools, etc. However, LangGraph brings a bunch of additional concepts. Let’s discuss them.

    LangGraph is created to define cyclical graphs. Graphs consist of the following elements:

    • Nodes represent actual actions and can be either LLMs, agents or functions. Also, a special END node marks the end of execution.
    • Edges connect nodes and determine the execution flow of your graph. There are basic edges that simply link one node to another and conditional edges that incorporate if-statements and additional logic.

    Another important concept is the state of the graph. The state serves as a foundational element for collaboration among the graph’s components. It represents a snapshot of the graph that any part — whether nodes or edges — can access and modify during execution to retrieve or update information.

    Additionally, the state plays a crucial role in persistence. It is automatically saved after each step, allowing you to pause and resume execution at any point. This feature supports the development of more complex applications, such as those requiring error correction or incorporating human-in-the-loop interactions.

    Single-agent workflow

    Building agent from scratch

    Let’s start simple and try using LangGraph for a basic use case — an agent with tools.

    I will try to build similar applications to those we did with CrewAI in the previous article. Then, we will be able to compare the two frameworks. For this example, let’s create an application that can automatically generate documentation based on the table in the database. It can save us quite a lot of time when creating documentation for our data sources.

    As usual, we will start by defining the tools for our agent. Since I will use the ClickHouse database in this example, I’ve defined a function to execute any query. You can use a different database if you prefer, as we won’t rely on any database-specific features.

    CH_HOST = 'http://localhost:8123' # default address 
    import requests

    def get_clickhouse_data(query, host = CH_HOST, connection_timeout = 1500):
    r = requests.post(host, params = {'query': query},
    timeout = connection_timeout)
    if r.status_code == 200:
    return r.text
    return 'Database returned the following error:n' + r.text

    It’s crucial to make LLM tools reliable and error-prone. If a database returns an error, I provide this feedback to the LLM rather than throwing an exception and halting execution. Then, the LLM agent will have an opportunity to fix an error and call the function again.

    Let’s define one tool named execute_sql , which enables the execution of any SQL query. We use pydantic to specify the tool’s structure, ensuring that the LLM agent has all the needed information to use the tool effectively.

    from langchain_core.tools import tool
    from pydantic.v1 import BaseModel, Field
    from typing import Optional

    class SQLQuery(BaseModel):
    query: str = Field(description="SQL query to execute")

    @tool(args_schema = SQLQuery)
    def execute_sql(query: str) -> str:
    """Returns the result of SQL query execution"""
    return get_clickhouse_data(query)

    We can print the parameters of the created tool to see what information is passed to LLM.

    name: {execute_sql.name}
    description: {execute_sql.description}
    arguments: {execute_sql.args}

    # name: execute_sql
    # description: Returns the result of SQL query execution
    # arguments: {'query': {'title': 'Query', 'description':
    # 'SQL query to execute', 'type': 'string'}}

    Everything looks good. We’ve set up the necessary tool and can now move on to defining an LLM agent. As we discussed above, the cornerstone of the agent in LangGraph is its state, which enables the sharing of information between different parts of our graph.

    Our current example is relatively straightforward. So, we will only need to store the history of messages. Let’s define the agent state.

    # useful imports
    from langgraph.graph import StateGraph, END
    from typing import TypedDict, Annotated
    import operator
    from langchain_core.messages import AnyMessage, SystemMessage, HumanMessage, ToolMessage

    # defining agent state
    class AgentState(TypedDict):
    messages: Annotated[list[AnyMessage], operator.add]

    We’ve defined a single parameter in AgentState — messages — which is a list of objects of the class AnyMessage . Additionally, we annotated it with operator.add (reducer). This annotation ensures that each time a node returns a message, it is appended to the existing list in the state. Without this operator, each new message would replace the previous value rather than being added to the list.

    The next step is to define the agent itself. Let’s start with __init__ function. We will specify three arguments for the agent: model, list of tools and system prompt.

    class SQLAgent:
    # initialising the object
    def __init__(self, model, tools, system_prompt = ""):
    self.system_prompt = system_prompt

    # initialising graph with a state
    graph = StateGraph(AgentState)

    # adding nodes
    graph.add_node("llm", self.call_llm)
    graph.add_node("function", self.execute_function)
    {True: "function", False: END}
    graph.add_edge("function", "llm")

    # setting starting point

    self.graph = graph.compile()
    self.tools = {t.name: t for t in tools}
    self.model = model.bind_tools(tools)

    In the initialisation function, we’ve outlined the structure of our graph, which includes two nodes: llm and action. Nodes are actual actions, so we have functions associated with them. We will define functions a bit later.

    Additionally, we have one conditional edge that determines whether we need to execute the function or generate the final answer. For this edge, we need to specify the previous node (in our case, llm), a function that decides the next step, and mapping of the subsequent steps based on the function’s output (formatted as a dictionary). If exists_function_calling returns True, we follow to the function node. Otherwise, execution will conclude at the special END node, which marks the end of the process.

    We’ve added an edge between function and llm. It just links these two steps and will be executed without any conditions.

    With the main structure defined, it’s time to create all the functions outlined above. The first one is call_llm. This function will execute LLM and return the result.

    The agent state will be passed to the function automatically so we can use the saved system prompt and model from it.

    class SQLAgent:

    def call_llm(self, state: AgentState):
    messages = state['messages']
    # adding system prompt if it's defined
    if self.system_prompt:
    messages = [SystemMessage(content=self.system_prompt)] + messages

    # calling LLM
    message = self.model.invoke(messages)

    return {'messages': [message]}

    As a result, our function returns a dictionary that will be used to update the agent state. Since we used operator.add as a reducer for our state, the returned message will be appended to the list of messages stored in the state.

    The next function we need is execute_function which will run our tools. If the LLM agent decides to call a tool, we will see it in themessage.tool_calls parameter.

    class SQLAgent:

    def execute_function(self, state: AgentState):
    tool_calls = state['messages'][-1].tool_calls

    results = []
    for tool in tool_calls:
    # checking whether tool name is correct
    if not t['name'] in self.tools:
    # returning error to the agent
    result = "Error: There's no such tool, please, try again"
    # getting result from the tool
    result = self.tools[t['name']].invoke(t['args'])

    return {'messages': results}

    In this function, we iterate over the tool calls returned by LLM and either invoke these tools or return the error message. In the end, our function returns the dictionary with a single key messages that will be used to update the graph state.

    There’s only one function left —the function for the conditional edge that defines whether we need to execute the tool or provide the final result. It’s pretty straightforward. We just need to check whether the last message contains any tool calls.

    class SQLAgent:

    def exists_function_calling(self, state: AgentState):
    result = state['messages'][-1]
    return len(result.tool_calls) > 0

    It’s time to create an agent and LLM model for it. I will use the new OpenAI GPT 4o mini model (doc) since it’s cheaper and better performing than GPT 3.5.

    import os

    # setting up credentioals
    os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = '<your_api_key>'

    # system prompt
    prompt = '''You are a senior expert in SQL and data analysis.
    So, you can help the team to gather needed data to power their decisions.
    You are very accurate and take into account all the nuances in data.
    Your goal is to provide the detailed documentation for the table in database
    that will help users.'''

    model = ChatOpenAI(model="gpt-4o-mini")
    doc_agent = SQLAgent(model, [execute_sql], system=prompt)

    LangGraph provides us with quite a handy feature to visualise graphs. To use it, you need to install pygraphviz .

    It’s a bit tricky for Mac with M1/M2 chips, so here is the lifehack for you (source):

    ! brew install graphviz
    ! python3 -m pip install -U --no-cache-dir
    --config-settings="--global-option=-I$(brew --prefix graphviz)/include/"
    --config-settings="--global-option=-L$(brew --prefix graphviz)/lib/"

    After figuring out the installation, here’s our graph.

    from IPython.display import Image

    As you can see, our graph has cycles. Implementing something like this with LCEL would be quite challenging.

    Finally, it’s time to execute our agent. We need to pass the initial set of messages with our questions as HumanMessage.

    messages = [HumanMessage(content="What info do we have in ecommerce_db.users table?")]
    result = doc_agent.graph.invoke({"messages": messages})

    In the result variable, we can observe all the messages generated during execution. The process worked as expected:

    • The agent decided to call the function with the query describe ecommerce.db_users.
    • LLM then processed the information from the tool and provided a user-friendly answer.

    # [
    # HumanMessage(content='What info do we have in ecommerce_db.users table?'),
    # AIMessage(content='', tool_calls=[{'name': 'execute_sql', 'args': {'query': 'DESCRIBE ecommerce_db.users;'}, 'id': 'call_qZbDU9Coa2tMjUARcX36h0ax', 'type': 'tool_call'}]),
    # ToolMessage(content='user_idtUInt64tttttncountrytStringtttttnis_activetUInt8tttttnagetUInt64tttttn', name='execute_sql', tool_call_id='call_qZbDU9Coa2tMjUARcX36h0ax'),
    # AIMessage(content='The `ecommerce_db.users` table contains the following columns: <...>')
    # ]

    Here’s the final result. It looks pretty decent.


    # The `ecommerce_db.users` table contains the following columns:
    # 1. **user_id**: `UInt64` - A unique identifier for each user.
    # 2. **country**: `String` - The country where the user is located.
    # 3. **is_active**: `UInt8` - Indicates whether the user is active (1) or inactive (0).
    # 4. **age**: `UInt64` - The age of the user.

    Using prebuilt agents

    We’ve learned how to build an agent from scratch. However, we can leverage LangGraph’s built-in functionality for simpler tasks like this one.

    We can use a prebuilt ReAct agent to get a similar result: an agent that can work with tools.

    from langgraph.prebuilt import create_react_agent
    prebuilt_doc_agent = create_react_agent(model, [execute_sql],
    state_modifier = system_prompt)

    It is the same agent as we built previously. We will try it out in a second, but first, we need to understand two other important concepts: persistence and streaming.

    Persistence and streaming

    Persistence refers to the ability to maintain context across different interactions. It’s essential for agentic use cases when an application can get additional input from the user.

    LangGraph automatically saves the state after each step, allowing you to pause or resume execution. This capability supports the implementation of advanced business logic, such as error recovery or human-in-the-loop interactions.

    The easiest way to add persistence is to use an in-memory SQLite database.

    from langgraph.checkpoint.sqlite import SqliteSaver
    memory = SqliteSaver.from_conn_string(":memory:")

    For the off-the-shelf agent, we can pass memory as an argument while creating an agent.

    prebuilt_doc_agent = create_react_agent(model, [execute_sql], 

    If you’re working with a custom agent, you need to pass memory as a check pointer while compiling a graph.

    class SQLAgent:
    def __init__(self, model, tools, system_prompt = ""):
    self.graph = graph.compile(checkpointer=memory)

    Let’s execute the agent and explore another feature of LangGraph: streaming. With streaming, we can receive results from each step of execution as a separate event in a stream. This feature is crucial for production applications when multiple conversations (or threads) need to be processed simultaneously.

    LangGraph supports not only event streaming but also token-level streaming. The only use case I have in mind for token streaming is to display the answers in real-time word by word (similar to ChatGPT implementation).

    Let’s try using streaming with our new prebuilt agent. I will also use the pretty_print function for messages to make the result more readable.

    # defining thread
    thread = {"configurable": {"thread_id": "1"}}
    messages = [HumanMessage(content="What info do we have in ecommerce_db.users table?")]

    for event in prebuilt_doc_agent.stream({"messages": messages}, thread):
    for v in event.values():

    # ================================== Ai Message ==================================
    # Tool Calls:
    # execute_sql (call_YieWiChbFuOlxBg8G1jDJitR)
    # Call ID: call_YieWiChbFuOlxBg8G1jDJitR
    # Args:
    # query: SELECT * FROM ecommerce_db.users LIMIT 1;
    # ================================= Tool Message =================================
    # Name: execute_sql
    # 1000001 United Kingdom 0 70
    # ================================== Ai Message ==================================
    # The `ecommerce_db.users` table contains at least the following information for users:
    # - **User ID** (e.g., `1000001`)
    # - **Country** (e.g., `United Kingdom`)
    # - **Some numerical value** (e.g., `0`)
    # - **Another numerical value** (e.g., `70`)
    # The specific meaning of the numerical values and additional columns
    # is not clear from the single row retrieved. Would you like more details
    # or a broader query?

    Interestingly, the agent wasn’t able to provide a good enough result. Since the agent didn’t look up the table schema, it struggled to guess all columns’ meanings. We can improve the result by using follow-up questions in the same thread.

    followup_messages = [HumanMessage(content="I would like to know the column names and types. Maybe you could look it up in database using describe.")]

    for event in prebuilt_doc_agent.stream({"messages": followup_messages}, thread):
    for v in event.values():

    # ================================== Ai Message ==================================
    # Tool Calls:
    # execute_sql (call_sQKRWtG6aEB38rtOpZszxTVs)
    # Call ID: call_sQKRWtG6aEB38rtOpZszxTVs
    # Args:
    # query: DESCRIBE ecommerce_db.users;
    # ================================= Tool Message =================================
    # Name: execute_sql
    # user_id UInt64
    # country String
    # is_active UInt8
    # age UInt64
    # ================================== Ai Message ==================================
    # The `ecommerce_db.users` table has the following columns along with their data types:
    # | Column Name | Data Type |
    # |-------------|-----------|
    # | user_id | UInt64 |
    # | country | String |
    # | is_active | UInt8 |
    # | age | UInt64 |
    # If you need further information or assistance, feel free to ask!

    This time, we got the full answer from the agent. Since we provided the same thread, the agent was able to get the context from the previous discussion. That’s how persistence works.

    Let’s try to change the thread and ask the same follow-up question.

    new_thread = {"configurable": {"thread_id": "42"}}
    followup_messages = [HumanMessage(content="I would like to know the column names and types. Maybe you could look it up in database using describe.")]

    for event in prebuilt_doc_agent.stream({"messages": followup_messages}, new_thread):
    for v in event.values():

    # ================================== Ai Message ==================================
    # Tool Calls:
    # execute_sql (call_LrmsOGzzusaLEZLP9hGTBGgo)
    # Call ID: call_LrmsOGzzusaLEZLP9hGTBGgo
    # Args:
    # query: DESCRIBE your_table_name;
    # ================================= Tool Message =================================
    # Name: execute_sql
    # Database returned the following error:
    # Code: 60. DB::Exception: Table default.your_table_name does not exist. (UNKNOWN_TABLE) (version (official build))
    # ================================== Ai Message ==================================
    # It seems that the table `your_table_name` does not exist in the database.
    # Could you please provide the actual name of the table you want to describe?

    It was not surprising that the agent lacked the context needed to answer our question. Threads are designed to isolate different conversations, ensuring that each thread maintains its own context.

    In real-life applications, managing memory is essential. Conversations might become pretty lengthy, and at some point, it won’t be practical to pass the whole history to LLM every time. Therefore, it’s worth trimming or filtering messages. We won’t go deep into the specifics here, but you can find guidance on it in the LangGraph documentation. Another option to compress the conversational history is using summarization (example).

    We’ve learned how to build systems with single agents using LangGraph. The next step is to combine multiple agents in one application.

    Multi-Agent Systems

    As an example of a multi-agent workflow, I would like to build an application that can handle questions from various domains. We will have a set of expert agents, each specializing in different types of questions, and a router agent that will find the best-suited expert to address each query. Such an application has numerous potential use cases: from automating customer support to answering questions from colleagues in internal chats.

    First, we need to create the agent state — the information that will help agents to solve the question together. I will use the following fields:

    • question — initial customer request;
    • question_type — the category that defines which agent will be working on the request;
    • answer — the proposed answer to the question;
    • feedback — a field for future use that will gather some feedback.
    class MultiAgentState(TypedDict):
    question: str
    question_type: str
    answer: str
    feedback: str

    I don’t use any reducers, so our state will store only the latest version of each field.

    Then, let’s create a router node. It will be a simple LLM model that defines the category of question (database, LangChain or general questions).

    question_category_prompt = '''You are a senior specialist of analytical support. Your task is to classify the incoming questions. 
    Depending on your answer, question will be routed to the right team, so your task is crucial for our team.
    There are 3 possible question types:
    - DATABASE - questions related to our database (tables or fields)
    - LANGCHAIN- questions related to LangGraph or LangChain libraries
    - GENERAL - general questions
    Return in the output only one word (DATABASE, LANGCHAIN or GENERAL).

    def router_node(state: MultiAgentState):
    messages = [
    model = ChatOpenAI(model="gpt-4o-mini")
    response = model.invoke(messages)
    return {"question_type": response.content}

    Now that we have our first node — the router — let’s build a simple graph to test the workflow.

    memory = SqliteSaver.from_conn_string(":memory:")

    builder = StateGraph(MultiAgentState)
    builder.add_node("router", router_node)

    builder.add_edge('router', END)

    graph = builder.compile(checkpointer=memory)

    Let’s test our workflow with different types of questions to see how it performs in action. This will help us evaluate whether the router agent correctly assigns questions to the appropriate expert agents.

    thread = {"configurable": {"thread_id": "1"}}
    for s in graph.stream({
    'question': "Does LangChain support Ollama?",
    }, thread):

    # {'router': {'question_type': 'LANGCHAIN'}}

    thread = {"configurable": {"thread_id": "2"}}
    for s in graph.stream({
    'question': "What info do we have in ecommerce_db.users table?",
    }, thread):
    # {'router': {'question_type': 'DATABASE'}}

    thread = {"configurable": {"thread_id": "3"}}
    for s in graph.stream({
    'question': "How are you?",
    }, thread):

    # {'router': {'question_type': 'GENERAL'}}

    It’s working well. I recommend you build complex graphs incrementally and test each step independently. With such an approach, you can ensure that each iteration works expectedly and can save you a significant amount of debugging time.

    Next, let’s create nodes for our expert agents. We will use the ReAct agent with the SQL tool we previously built as the database agent.

    # database expert
    sql_expert_system_prompt = '''
    You are an expert in SQL, so you can help the team
    to gather needed data to power their decisions.
    You are very accurate and take into account all the nuances in data.
    You use SQL to get the data before answering the question.

    def sql_expert_node(state: MultiAgentState):
    model = ChatOpenAI(model="gpt-4o-mini")
    sql_agent = create_react_agent(model, [execute_sql],
    state_modifier = sql_expert_system_prompt)
    messages = [HumanMessage(content=state['question'])]
    result = sql_agent.invoke({"messages": messages})
    return {'answer': result['messages'][-1].content}

    For LangChain-related questions, we will use the ReAct agent. To enable the agent to answer questions about the library, we will equip it with a search engine tool. I chose Tavily for this purpose as it provides the search results optimised for LLM applications.

    If you don’t have an account, you can register to use Tavily for free (up to 1K requests per month). To get started, you will need to specify the Tavily API key in an environment variable.

    # search expert 
    from langchain_community.tools.tavily_search import TavilySearchResults
    os.environ["TAVILY_API_KEY"] = 'tvly-...'
    tavily_tool = TavilySearchResults(max_results=5)

    search_expert_system_prompt = '''
    You are an expert in LangChain and other technologies.
    Your goal is to answer questions based on results provided by search.
    You don't add anything yourself and provide only information baked by other sources.

    def search_expert_node(state: MultiAgentState):
    model = ChatOpenAI(model="gpt-4o-mini")
    sql_agent = create_react_agent(model, [tavily_tool],
    state_modifier = search_expert_system_prompt)
    messages = [HumanMessage(content=state['question'])]
    result = sql_agent.invoke({"messages": messages})
    return {'answer': result['messages'][-1].content}

    For general questions, we will leverage a simple LLM model without specific tools.

    # general model
    general_prompt = '''You're a friendly assistant and your goal is to answer general questions.
    Please, don't provide any unchecked information and just tell that you don't know if you don't have enough info.

    def general_assistant_node(state: MultiAgentState):
    messages = [
    model = ChatOpenAI(model="gpt-4o-mini")
    response = model.invoke(messages)
    return {"answer": response.content}

    The last missing bit is a conditional function for routing. This will be quite straightforward—we just need to propagate the question type from the state defined by the router node.

    def route_question(state: MultiAgentState):
    return state['question_type']

    Now, it’s time to create our graph.

    builder = StateGraph(MultiAgentState)
    builder.add_node("router", router_node)
    builder.add_node('database_expert', sql_expert_node)
    builder.add_node('langchain_expert', search_expert_node)
    builder.add_node('general_assistant', general_assistant_node)
    {'DATABASE': 'database_expert',
    'LANGCHAIN': 'langchain_expert',
    'GENERAL': 'general_assistant'}

    builder.add_edge('database_expert', END)
    builder.add_edge('langchain_expert', END)
    builder.add_edge('general_assistant', END)
    graph = builder.compile(checkpointer=memory)

    Now, we can test the setup on a couple of questions to see how well it performs.

    thread = {"configurable": {"thread_id": "2"}}
    results = []
    for s in graph.stream({
    'question': "What info do we have in ecommerce_db.users table?",
    }, thread):

    # The `ecommerce_db.users` table contains the following columns:
    # 1. **User ID**: A unique identifier for each user.
    # 2. **Country**: The country where the user is located.
    # 3. **Is Active**: A flag indicating whether the user is active (1 for active, 0 for inactive).
    # 4. **Age**: The age of the user.
    # Here are some sample entries from the table:
    # | User ID | Country | Is Active | Age |
    # |---------|----------------|-----------|-----|
    # | 1000001 | United Kingdom | 0 | 70 |
    # | 1000002 | France | 1 | 87 |
    # | 1000003 | France | 1 | 88 |
    # | 1000004 | Germany | 1 | 25 |
    # | 1000005 | Germany | 1 | 48 |
    # This gives an overview of the user data available in the table.

    Good job! It gives a relevant result for the database-related question. Let’s try asking about LangChain.

    thread = {"configurable": {"thread_id": "42"}}
    results = []
    for s in graph.stream({
    'question': "Does LangChain support Ollama?",
    }, thread):


    # Yes, LangChain supports Ollama. Ollama allows you to run open-source
    # large language models, such as Llama 2, locally, and LangChain provides
    # a flexible framework for integrating these models into applications.
    # You can interact with models run by Ollama using LangChain, and there are
    # specific wrappers and tools available for this integration.
    # For more detailed information, you can visit the following resources:
    # - [LangChain and Ollama Integration](https://js.langchain.com/v0.1/docs/integrations/llms/ollama/)
    # - [ChatOllama Documentation](https://js.langchain.com/v0.2/docs/integrations/chat/ollama/)
    # - [Medium Article on Ollama and LangChain](https://medium.com/@abonia/ollama-and-langchain-run-llms-locally-900931914a46)

    Fantastic! Everything is working well, and it’s clear that Tavily’s search is effective for LLM applications.

    Adding human-in-the-loop interactions

    We’ve done an excellent job creating a tool to answer questions. However, in many cases, it’s beneficial to keep a human in the loop to approve proposed actions or provide additional feedback. Let’s add a step where we can collect feedback from a human before returning the final result to the user.

    The simplest approach is to add two additional nodes:

    • A human node to gather feedback,
    • An editor node to revisit the answer, taking into account the feedback.

    Let’s create these nodes:

    • Human node: This will be a dummy node, and it won’t perform any actions.
    • Editor node: This will be an LLM model that receives all the relevant information (customer question, draft answer and provided feedback) and revises the final answer.
    def human_feedback_node(state: MultiAgentState):

    editor_prompt = '''You're an editor and your goal is to provide the final answer to the customer, taking into account the feedback.
    You don't add any information on your own. You use friendly and professional tone.
    In the output please provide the final answer to the customer without additional comments.
    Here's all the information you need.

    Question from customer:
    Draft answer:

    def editor_node(state: MultiAgentState):
    messages = [
    SystemMessage(content=editor_prompt.format(question = state['question'], answer = state['answer'], feedback = state['feedback']))
    model = ChatOpenAI(model="gpt-4o-mini")
    response = model.invoke(messages)
    return {"answer": response.content}

    Let’s add these nodes to our graph. Additionally, we need to introduce an interruption before the human node to ensure that the process pauses for human feedback.

    builder = StateGraph(MultiAgentState)
    builder.add_node("router", router_node)
    builder.add_node('database_expert', sql_expert_node)
    builder.add_node('langchain_expert', search_expert_node)
    builder.add_node('general_assistant', general_assistant_node)
    builder.add_node('human', human_feedback_node)
    builder.add_node('editor', editor_node)

    {'DATABASE': 'database_expert',
    'LANGCHAIN': 'langchain_expert',
    'GENERAL': 'general_assistant'}


    builder.add_edge('database_expert', 'human')
    builder.add_edge('langchain_expert', 'human')
    builder.add_edge('general_assistant', 'human')
    builder.add_edge('human', 'editor')
    builder.add_edge('editor', END)
    graph = builder.compile(checkpointer=memory, interrupt_before = ['human'])

    Now, when we run the graph, the execution will be stopped before the human node.

    thread = {"configurable": {"thread_id": "2"}}

    for event in graph.stream({
    'question': "What are the types of fields in ecommerce_db.users table?",
    }, thread):

    # {'question_type': 'DATABASE', 'question': 'What are the types of fields in ecommerce_db.users table?'}
    # {'router': {'question_type': 'DATABASE'}}
    # {'database_expert': {'answer': 'The `ecommerce_db.users` table has the following fields:nn1. **user_id**: UInt64n2. **country**: Stringn3. **is_active**: UInt8n4. **age**: UInt64'}}

    Let’s get the customer input and update the state with the feedback.

    user_input = input("Do I need to change anything in the answer?")
    # Do I need to change anything in the answer?
    # It looks wonderful. Could you only make it a bit friendlier please?

    graph.update_state(thread, {"feedback": user_input}, as_node="human")

    We can check the state to confirm that the feedback has been populated and that the next node in the sequence is editor.

    # It looks wonderful. Could you only make it a bit friendlier please?

    # ('editor',)

    We can just continue the execution. Passing None as input will resume the process from the point where it was paused.

    for event in graph.stream(None, thread, stream_mode="values"):


    # Hello! The `ecommerce_db.users` table has the following fields:
    # 1. **user_id**: UInt64
    # 2. **country**: String
    # 3. **is_active**: UInt8
    # 4. **age**: UInt64
    # Have a nice day!

    The editor took our feedback into account and added some polite words to our final message. That’s a fantastic result!

    We can implement human-in-the-loop interactions in a more agentic way by equipping our editor with the Human tool.

    Let’s adjust our editor. I’ve slightly changed the prompt and added the tool to the agent.

    from langchain_community.tools import HumanInputRun
    human_tool = HumanInputRun()

    editor_agent_prompt = '''You're an editor and your goal is to provide the final answer to the customer, taking into the initial question.
    If you need any clarifications or need feedback, please, use human. Always reach out to human to get the feedback before final answer.
    You don't add any information on your own. You use friendly and professional tone.
    In the output please provide the final answer to the customer without additional comments.
    Here's all the information you need.

    Question from customer:
    Draft answer:

    model = ChatOpenAI(model="gpt-4o-mini")
    editor_agent = create_react_agent(model, [human_tool])
    messages = [SystemMessage(content=editor_agent_prompt.format(question = state['question'], answer = state['answer']))]
    editor_result = editor_agent.invoke({"messages": messages})

    # Is the draft answer complete and accurate for the customer's question about the types of fields in the ecommerce_db.users table?
    # Yes, but could you please make it friendlier.

    # The `ecommerce_db.users` table has the following fields:
    # 1. **user_id**: UInt64
    # 2. **country**: String
    # 3. **is_active**: UInt8
    # 4. **age**: UInt64
    # If you have any more questions, feel free to ask!

    So, the editor reached out to the human with the question, “Is the draft answer complete and accurate for the customer’s question about the types of fields in the ecommerce_db.users table?”. After receiving feedback, the editor refined the answer to make it more user-friendly.

    Let’s update our main graph to incorporate the new agent instead of using the two separate nodes. With this approach, we don’t need interruptions any more.

    def editor_agent_node(state: MultiAgentState):
    model = ChatOpenAI(model="gpt-4o-mini")
    editor_agent = create_react_agent(model, [human_tool])
    messages = [SystemMessage(content=editor_agent_prompt.format(question = state['question'], answer = state['answer']))]
    result = editor_agent.invoke({"messages": messages})
    return {'answer': result['messages'][-1].content}

    builder = StateGraph(MultiAgentState)
    builder.add_node("router", router_node)
    builder.add_node('database_expert', sql_expert_node)
    builder.add_node('langchain_expert', search_expert_node)
    builder.add_node('general_assistant', general_assistant_node)
    builder.add_node('editor', editor_agent_node)

    {'DATABASE': 'database_expert',
    'LANGCHAIN': 'langchain_expert',
    'GENERAL': 'general_assistant'}


    builder.add_edge('database_expert', 'editor')
    builder.add_edge('langchain_expert', 'editor')
    builder.add_edge('general_assistant', 'editor')
    builder.add_edge('editor', END)

    graph = builder.compile(checkpointer=memory)

    thread = {"configurable": {"thread_id": "42"}}
    results = []

    for event in graph.stream({
    'question': "What are the types of fields in ecommerce_db.users table?",
    }, thread):

    This graph will work similarly to the previous one. I personally prefer this approach since it leverages tools, making the solution more agile. For example, agents can reach out to humans multiple times and refine questions as needed.

    That’s it. We’ve built a multi-agent system that can answer questions from different domains and take into account human feedback.

    You can find the complete code on GitHub.


    In this article, we’ve explored the LangGraph library and its application for building single and multi-agent workflows. We’ve examined a range of its capabilities, and now it’s time to summarise its strengths and weaknesses. Also, it will be useful to compare LangGraph with CrewAI, which we discussed in my previous article.

    Overall, I find LangGraph quite a powerful framework for building complex LLM applications:

    • LangGraph is a low-level framework that offers extensive customisation options, allowing you to build precisely what you need.
    • Since LangGraph is built on top of LangChain, it’s seamlessly integrated into its ecosystem, making it easy to leverage existing tools and components.

    However, there are areas where LangGrpah could be improved:

    • The agility of LangGraph comes with a higher entry barrier. While you can understand the concepts of CrewAI within 15–30 minutes, it takes some time to get comfortable and up to speed with LangGraph.
    • LangGraph provides you with a higher level of control, but it misses some cool prebuilt features of CrewAI, such as collaboration or ready-to-use RAG tools.
    • LangGraph doesn’t enforce best practices like CrewAI does (for example, role-playing or guardrails). So it can lead to poorer results.

    I would say that CrewAI is a better framework for newbies and common use cases because it helps you get good results quickly and provides guidance to prevent mistakes.

    If you want to build an advanced application and need more control, LangGraph is the way to go. Keep in mind that you’ll need to invest time in learning LangGraph and should be fully responsible for the final solution, as the framework won’t provide guidance to help you avoid common mistakes.

    Thank you a lot for reading this article. I hope this article was insightful for you. If you have any follow-up questions or comments, please leave them in the comments section.


    This article is inspired by the “AI Agents in LangGraph” short course from DeepLearning.AI.

    From Basics to Advanced: Exploring LangGraph was originally published in Towards Data Science on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

    Originally appeared here:
    From Basics to Advanced: Exploring LangGraph

    Go Here to Read this Fast! From Basics to Advanced: Exploring LangGraph

  • Powering Experiments with CUPED and Double Machine Learning

    Ryan O’Sullivan

    Causal AI, exploring the integration of causal reasoning into machine learning

    Photo by Karsten Würth on Unsplash

    What is this series of articles about?

    Welcome to my series on Causal AI, where we will explore the integration of causal reasoning into machine learning models. Expect to explore a number of practical applications across different business contexts.

    In the last article we covered safeguarding demand forecasting with causal graphs. Today, we turn our attention to powering experiments using CUPED and double machine learning.

    If you missed the last article on safeguarding demand forecasting, check it out here:

    Safeguarding Demand Forecasting with Causal Graphs


    In this article, we evaluate whether CUPED and double machine learning can enhance the effectiveness of your experiments. We will use a case study to explore the following areas:

    • The building blocks of experimentation: Hypothesis testing, power analysis, bootstrapping.
    • What is CUPED and how can it help power experiments?
    • What are the conceptual similarities between CUPED and double machine learning?
    • When should we use double machine learning rather than CUPED?

    The full notebook can be found here:

    causal_ai/notebooks/powering your experiments – cuped.ipynb at main · raz1470/causal_ai

    Case study


    You’ve recently joined the experimentation team at a leading online retailer known for its vast product catalog and dynamic user base. The data science team has deployed an advanced recommender system designed to enhance user experience and drive sales. This system integrates in real-time with the retailer’s platform and involves significant infrastructure and engineering costs.

    The finance team is eager to understand the system’s financial impact, specifically how much additional revenue it generates compared to a baseline scenario without recommendations. To evaluate the recommender system’s effectiveness, you plan to conduct a randomized controlled experiment.

    Data-generating process: Pre-experiment

    We start by creating some pre-experiment data. The data-generating process we use has the following characteristics:

    • 3 observed covariates related to the recency (x_recency), frequency (x_frequency) and value (x_value) of previous sales.
    • 1 unobserved covariate, the users monthly income (u_income).
    User generated image
    • A complex relationship between covariates is used to estimate our target metric, sales value:
    User generated image

    The python code below is used to create the pre-experiment data:


    n = 10000 # Set number of observations
    p = 4 # Set number of pre-experiment covariates

    # Create pre-experiment covariates
    X = np.random.uniform(size=n * p).reshape((n, -1))

    # Nuisance parameters
    b = (
    1.5 * X[:, 0] +
    2.5 * X[:, 1] +
    X[:, 2] ** 3 +
    X[:, 3] ** 2 +
    X[:, 1] * X[:, 2]

    # Create some noise
    noise = np.random.normal(size=n)

    # Calculate outcome
    y = np.maximum(b + noise, 0)

    # Scale variables for interpretation
    df_pre = pd.DataFrame({"noise": noise * 1000,
    "u_income": X[:, 0] * 1000,
    "x_recency": X[:, 1] * 1000,
    "x_frequency": X[:, 2] * 1000,
    "x_value": X[:, 3] * 1000,
    "y_value": y * 1000

    # Visualise target metric
    sns.histplot(df_pre['y_value'], bins=30, kde=False)
    plt.xlabel('Sales Value')
    plt.title('Sales Value')
    User generated image

    The building blocks of experimentation: Hypothesis testing, power analysis, bootstrapping

    Before we get onto CUPED, I thought it would be worthwhile covering some foundational knowledge on experimentation.

    Hypothesis testing

    Hypothesis testing helps determine if observed differences in an experiment are statistically significant or just random noise. In our experiment, we divide users into two groups:

    • Control Group: Receives no recommendations.
    • Treatment Group: Receives personalised recommendations from the system.

    We define our hypotheses as follows:

    • Null Hypothesis (H₀): The recommender system does not affect revenue. Any observed differences are due to chance.
    • Alternative Hypothesis (Hₐ): The recommender system increases revenue. Users receiving recommendations generate significantly more revenue compared to those who do not.

    To assess the hypotheses you will be comparing the mean revenue in the control and treatment group. However, there are a few things to be aware of:

    • Type I error (False positive): If the experiment concludes that the recommender system significantly increases revenue when in reality, it has no effect.
    • Type II error (Beta, False negative): If the experiment finds no significant increase in revenue from the recommender system when in reality, it does lead to a meaningful increase
    • Significance Level (Alpha): If you set the significance level to 0.05, you are accepting a 5% chance of incorrectly concluding that the recommender system improves revenue when it does not (false positive).
    • Power (1 — Beta): Achieving a power of 0.80 means you have an 80% chance of detecting a significant increase in revenue due to the recommender system if it truly has an effect. A higher power reduces the risk of false negatives.

    As you start to think about designing the experiment, you set some initial goals:

    1. You want to reliably detect the effect — Making sure you balance the risks of detecting a non-existent effect vs the risk of not detecting a real effect.
    2. As quickly as possible — Finance are on your case!
    3. Keeping the sample size as cost efficient as possible — The business case from the data science team suggests the system is going to drive a large increase in revenue so they don’t want the control group being too big.

    But how can you meet these goals? Let’s delve into power analysis next!

    Power analysis

    When we talk about powering experiments, we are usually referring to the process of determining the minimum sample size needed to detect an effect of a certain size with a given confidence. There are 3 components to power analysis:

    • Effect size — The difference between the mean value of H₀ and Hₐ. We generally need to make sensible assumptions around this based on understanding what matters to the business/industry we are operating within.
    • Significance level — The probability of incorrectly concluding there is an effect when there isn’t, typically set at 0.05.
    • Power — The probability of correctly detecting an effect when there is one, typically set at 0.80.

    I found the intuition behind these quite hard to grasp at first, but visualising it can really help. So lets give it a try! The key areas are where H₀ and Hₐ crossover — See if you it helps you tie together the components discussed above…

    User generated image

    A larger sample size leads to a smaller standard error. With a smaller standard error, the sampling distributions of H₀ and Hₐ become narrower and less overlapping. This decreased overlap makes it easier to detect a difference, leading to higher power.

    The function below shows how we can use the statsmodels python package to carry out a power analysis:

    from typing import Union
    import pandas as pd
    import numpy as np
    import statsmodels.stats.power as smp

    def power_analysis(metric: Union[np.ndarray, pd.Series], exp_perc_change: float, alpha: float = 0.05, power: float = 0.80) -> int:
    Perform a power analysis to determine the minimum sample size required for a given metric.

    metric (np.ndarray or pd.Series): Array or Series containing the metric values for the control group.
    exp_perc_change (float): The expected percentage change in the metric for the test group.
    alpha (float, optional): The significance level for the test. Defaults to 0.05.
    power (float, optional): The desired power of the test. Defaults to 0.80.

    int: The minimum sample size required for each group to detect the expected percentage change with the specified power and significance level.

    ValueError: If `metric` is not a NumPy array or pandas Series.

    # Validate input types
    if not isinstance(metric, (np.ndarray, pd.Series)):
    raise ValueError("metric should be a NumPy array or pandas Series.")

    # Calculate statistics
    control_mean = metric.mean()
    control_std = np.std(metric, ddof=1) # Use ddof=1 for sample standard deviation
    test_mean = control_mean * (1 + exp_perc_change)
    test_std = control_std # Assume the test group has the same standard deviation as the control group

    # Calculate (Cohen's D) effect size
    mean_diff = control_mean - test_mean
    pooled_std = np.sqrt((control_std**2 + test_std**2) / 2)
    effect_size = abs(mean_diff / pooled_std) # Cohen's d should be positive

    # Run power analysis
    power_analysis = smp.TTestIndPower()
    sample_size = round(power_analysis.solve_power(effect_size=effect_size, alpha=alpha, power=power))

    print(f"Control mean: {round(control_mean, 3)}")
    print(f"Control std: {round(control_std, 3)}")
    print(f"Min sample size: {sample_size}")

    return sample_size

    So let’s test it out with our pre-experiment data!

    exp_perc_change = 0.05 # Set the expected percentage change in the chosen metric caused by the treatment

    min_sample_size = power_analysis(df_pre["y_value"], exp_perc_change
    User generated image

    We can see that given the distribution of our target metric, we would need a sample size of 1,645 to detect an increase of 5%.

    Data-generating process: Experimental data

    Rather than rush into setting up the experiment, you decide to take the pre-experiment data and simulate the experiment.

    The following function randomly selects users to be treated and applies a treatment effect. At the end of the function we record the mean difference before and after the treatment was applied as well as the true ATE (average treatment effect):

    def exp_data_generator(t_perc_change, t_samples):

    # Create copy of pre-experiment data ready to manipulate into experiment data
    df_exp = df_pre.reset_index(drop=True)

    # Calculate the initial treatment effect
    treatment_effect = round((df_exp["y_value"] * (t_perc_change)).mean(), 2)

    # Create treatment column
    treated_indices = np.random.choice(df_exp.index, size=t_samples, replace=False)
    df_exp["treatment"] = 0
    df_exp.loc[treated_indices, "treatment"] = 1

    # treatment effect
    df_exp["treatment_effect"] = 0
    df_exp.loc[df_exp["treatment"] == 1, "treatment_effect"] = treatment_effect

    # Apply treatment effect
    df_exp["y_value_exp"] = df_exp["y_value"]
    df_exp.loc[df_exp["treatment"] == 1, "y_value_exp"] = df_exp["y_value"] + df_exp["treatment_effect"]

    # Calculate mean diff before treatment
    mean_t0_pre = df_exp[df_exp["treatment"] == 0]["y_value"].mean()
    mean_t1_pre = df_exp[df_exp["treatment"] == 1]["y_value"].mean()
    mean_diff_pre = round(mean_t1_pre - mean_t0_pre)

    # Calculate mean diff after treatment
    mean_t0_post = df_exp[df_exp["treatment"] == 0]["y_value_exp"].mean()
    mean_t1_post = df_exp[df_exp["treatment"] == 1]["y_value_exp"].mean()
    mean_diff_post = round(mean_t1_post - mean_t0_post)

    # Calculate ate
    treatment_effect = round(df_exp[df_exp["treatment"]==1]["treatment_effect"].mean())

    print(f"Diff-in-means before treatment: {mean_diff_pre}")
    print(f"Diff-in-means after treatment: {mean_diff_post}")
    print(f"ATE: {treatment_effect}")

    return df_exp

    We can feed through the minimum sample size we previously calculated:

    df_exp_1 = exp_data_generator(exp_perc_change, min_sample_size)

    Let’s start by inspecting the data we created for treated users to help you understand what the function is doing:

    User generated image

    Next let’s take a look at the results which the function prints:

    User generated image

    Interesting, we see that after we select users to be treated, but before we treat them, there is already a difference in means. This difference is due to chance. This means that when we look at the difference after users are treated we don’t correctly estimate the ATE (average treatment effect). We will come back to this point when we cover CUPED.

    User generated image

    Next let’s explore a more sophisticated way of making an inference than just taking the difference in means…


    Bootstrapping is a powerful statistical technique that involves resampling data with replacement. These resampled datasets, called bootstrap samples, help us estimate the variability of a statistic (like the mean or median) from our original data. This is particularly attractive when it comes to experimentation as it enables us to calculate confidence intervals. Let’s walk through it step by step using a simple example…

    You have run an experiment with a control and treatment group each made up of 1k users.

    1. Create bootstrap samples — Randomly select (with replacement) 1k users from the control and then treatment group. This gives us 1 bootstrap sample for control and one for treatment.
    2. Repeat this process n times (e.g. 10k times).
    3. For each pair of bootstrap samples calculate the mean difference between control and treatment.
    4. We now have a distribution (made up of the mean difference between 10k bootstrap samples) which we can use to calculate confidence intervals.
    User generated image

    Applying it to our case study

    Let’s use our case study to illustrate how it works. Below we use the sciPy stats python package to help calculate bootstrap confidence intervals:

    from typing import Union
    import pandas as pd
    import numpy as np
    from scipy import stats

    def mean_diff(group_a: Union[np.ndarray, pd.Series], group_b: Union[np.ndarray, pd.Series]) -> float:
    Calculate the difference in means between two groups.

    group_a (Union[np.ndarray, pd.Series]): The first group of data points.
    group_b (Union[np.ndarray, pd.Series]): The second group of data points.

    float: The difference between the mean of group_a and the mean of group_b.
    return np.mean(group_a) - np.mean(group_b)

    def bootstrapping(df: pd.DataFrame, adjusted_metric: str, n_resamples: int = 10000) -> np.ndarray:
    Perform bootstrap resampling on the adjusted metric of two groups in the dataframe to estimate the mean difference and confidence intervals.

    df (pd.DataFrame): The dataframe containing the data. Must include a 'treatment' column indicating group membership.
    adjusted_metric (str): The name of the column in the dataframe representing the metric to be resampled.
    n_resamples (int, optional): The number of bootstrap resamples to perform. Defaults to 1000.

    np.ndarray: The array of bootstrap resampled mean differences.

    # Separate the data into two groups based on the 'treatment' column
    group_a = df[df["treatment"] == 1][adjusted_metric]
    group_b = df[df["treatment"] == 0][adjusted_metric]

    # Perform bootstrap resampling
    res = stats.bootstrap((group_a, group_b), statistic=mean_diff, n_resamples=n_resamples, method='percentile')
    ci = res.confidence_interval

    # Extract the bootstrap distribution and confidence intervals
    bootstrap_means = res.bootstrap_distribution
    bootstrap_ci_lb = round(ci.low,)
    bootstrap_ci_ub = round(ci.high)
    bootstrap_mean = round(np.mean(bootstrap_means))

    print(f"Bootstrap confidence interval lower bound: {bootstrap_ci_lb}")
    print(f"Bootstrap confidence interval upper bound: {bootstrap_ci_ub}")
    print(f"Bootstrap mean diff: {bootstrap_mean}")

    return bootstrap_means

    When we run it for our case study data we can see that we now have some confidence intervals:

    bootstrap_og_1 = bootstrapping(df_exp_1, "y_value_exp")
    User generated image

    Our ground truth ATE is 143 (the actual treatment effect from our experiment data generator function), which falls within our confidence intervals. However, it’s worth noting that the mean difference hasn’t changed (it’s still 93 as before when we simply calculated the mean difference of control and treatment), and the pre-treatment difference is still there.

    So what if we wanted to come up with narrower confidence intervals? And is there any way we can deal with the pre-treatment differences? This leads us nicely into CUPED…

    What is CUPED and how can it help power experiments?


    CUPED (controlled experiments using pre-experiment data) is a powerful technique for improving the accuracy of experiments developed by researchers at Microsoft. The original paper is an insightful read for anyone interested in experimentation:


    The core idea of CUPED is to use data collected before your experiment begins to reduce the variance in your target metric. By doing so, you can make your experiment more sensitive, which has two major benefits:

    1. You can detect smaller effects with the same sample size.
    2. You can detect the same effect with a smaller sample size.

    Think of it like removing the “background noise” so you can see the “signal” more clearly.

    Variance, standard deviation, standard error

    When you read about CUPED you may hear people talk about it reducing the variance, standard deviation or standard error. If you are anything like me, you might find yourself forgetting how these are related, so before we go any further let’s recap on this!

    • Variance: Variance measures the average squared deviation of each data point from the mean, reflecting the overall spread or dispersion within a dataset.
    • Standard Deviation: Standard deviation is the square root of variance, representing the average distance of each data point from the mean, and providing a more interpretable measure of spread.
    • Standard Error: Standard error quantifies the precision of the sample mean as an estimate of the population mean, calculated as the standard deviation divided by the square root of the sample size.

    How does CUPED work?

    To understand how CUPED works, let’s break it down…

    Pre-experiment covariate — In the lightest implementation of CUPED, the pre-experiment covariate would be the target metric measured in a time period before the experiment. So if your target metric was sales value, your covariate could be each customers sales value 4 weeks prior to the experiment.

    It’s important that your covariate is correlated with your target metric and that it is unaffected by the treatment. This is why we would typically use pre-treatment data from the control group.

    Regression adjustment — Linear regression is used to model the relationship between the covariate (measured before the experiment) and the target metric (measured across the experiment period). We can then calculate the CUPED adjusted target metric by removing the influence of the covariate:

    User generated image

    It is worth noting that taking away the mean of the covariate is done to centre the outcome variable around the mean to make it interpretable when compared to the original target metric.

    Variance reduction — After the regression adjustment the variance in our target metric has reduced. Lower variance means that the differences between the control and treatment group are easier to detect, thus increasing the statistical power of the experiment.

    Applying it to our case study

    Let’s use our case study to illustrate how it works. Below we code CUPED up in a function:

    from typing import Union
    import pandas as pd
    import numpy as np
    import statsmodels.api as sm

    def cuped(df: pd.DataFrame, pre_covariates: Union[str, list], target_metric: str) -> pd.Series:
    Implements the CUPED (Controlled Experiments Using Pre-Experiment Data) technique to adjust the target metric
    by removing predictable variation using pre-experiment covariates. This reduces the variance of the metric and
    increases the statistical power of the experiment.

    df (pd.DataFrame): The input DataFrame containing both the pre-experiment covariates and the target metric.
    pre_covariates (Union[str, list]): The column name(s) in the DataFrame corresponding to the pre-experiment covariates used for the adjustment.
    target_metric (str): The column name in the DataFrame representing the metric to be adjusted.

    pd.Series: A pandas Series containing the CUPED-adjusted target metric.

    # Fit control model using pre-experiment covariates
    control_group = df[df['treatment'] == 0]
    X_control = control_group[pre_covariates]
    X_control = sm.add_constant(X_control)
    y_control = control_group[target_metric]
    model_control = sm.OLS(y_control, X_control).fit()

    # Compute residuals and adjust target metric
    X_all = df[pre_covariates]
    X_all = sm.add_constant(X_all)
    residuals = df[target_metric].to_numpy().flatten() - model_control.predict(X_all)
    adjustment_term = model_control.params['const'] + sum(model_control.params[covariate] * df[pre_covariates].mean()[covariate] for covariate in pre_covariates)
    adjusted_target = residuals + adjustment_term

    return adjusted_target

    When we apply it to our case study data and compare the adjusted target metric to the original target metric, we see that the variance has reduced:

    # Apply CUPED
    pre_covariates = ["x_recency", "x_frequency", "x_value"]
    target_metric = ["y_value_exp"]
    df_exp_1["adjusted_target"] = cuped(df_exp_1, pre_covariates, target_metric)

    # Plot results
    plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
    sns.kdeplot(data=df_exp_1[df_exp_1['treatment'] == 0], x="adjusted_target", hue="treatment", fill=True, palette="Set1", label="Adjusted Value")
    sns.kdeplot(data=df_exp_1[df_exp_1['treatment'] == 0], x="y_value_exp", hue="treatment", fill=True, palette="Set2", label="Original Value")
    plt.title(f"Distribution of Value by Original vs CUPED")
    User generated image

    Does it reduce the standard error?

    Now we have applied CUPED and reduced the variance, lets run our bootstrapping function to see what impact it has:

    bootstrap_cuped_1 = bootstrapping(df_exp_1, "adjusted_target")
    User generated image

    If you compare this to our previous result using the original target metric you see that the confidence intervals are narrower:

    bootstrap_1 = pd.DataFrame({
    'original': bootstrap_og_1,
    'cuped': bootstrap_cuped_1

    # Plot the KDE plots
    plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
    sns.kdeplot(bootstrap_1['original'], fill=True, label='Original', color='blue')
    sns.kdeplot(bootstrap_1['cuped'], fill=True, label='CUPED', color='orange')

    # Add mean lines
    plt.axvline(bootstrap_1['original'].mean(), color='blue', linestyle='--', linewidth=1)
    plt.axvline(bootstrap_1['cuped'].mean(), color='orange', linestyle='--', linewidth=1)
    plt.axvline(round(df_exp_1[df_exp_1["treatment"]==1]["treatment_effect"].mean(), 3), color='green', linestyle='--', linewidth=1, label='Treatment effect')

    # Customize the plot
    plt.title('Distribution of Value by Original vs CUPED')

    # Show the plot
    User generated image

    The bootstrap difference in means also moves closer to the ground truth treatment effect. This is because CUPED is also very effective at dealing with pre-existing differences between the control and treatment group.

    Does it reduce the minimum sample size?

    The next question is does it reduce the minimum sample size we need. Well lets find out!

    treatment_effect_1 = round(df_exp_1[df_exp_1["treatment"]==1]["treatment_effect"].mean(), 2)
    cuped_sample_size = power_analysis(df_exp_1[df_exp_1['treatment'] == 0]['adjusted_target'], treatment_effect_1 / df_exp_1[df_exp_1['treatment'] == 0]['adjusted_target'].mean())
    User generated image

    The minimum sample size needed has reduced from 1,645 to 901. Both Finance and the Data Science team are going to be pleased as we can run the experiment for a shorter time period with a smaller control sample!

    What are the conceptual similarities between CUPED and double machine learning?


    When I first read about CUPED, I thought of double machine learning and the similarities. If you aren’t familiar with double machine learning, check out my article from earlier in the series:

    De-biasing Treatment Effects with Double Machine Learning

    Pay attention to the first stage outcome model in double machine learning:

    • Outcome model (de-noising): Machine learning model used to estimate the outcome using just the control features. The outcome model residuals are then calculated.

    This is conceptually very similar to what we are doing with CUPED!

    How does it compare to CUPED?

    Let’s feed through our case study data and see if we get a similar result:

    # Train DML model
    dml = LinearDML(discrete_treatment=False)
    dml.fit(df_exp_1[target_metric].to_numpy().ravel(), T=df_exp_1['treatment'].to_numpy().ravel(), X=df_exp_1[pre_covariates], W=None)
    ate_dml = round(dml.ate(df_exp_1[pre_covariates]))
    ate_dml_lb = round(dml.ate_interval(df_exp_1[pre_covariates])[0])
    ate_dml_ub = round(dml.ate_interval(df_exp_1[pre_covariates])[1])

    print(f'DML confidence interval lower bound: {ate_dml_lb}')
    print(f'DML confidence interval upper bound: {ate_dml_ub}')
    print(f'DML ate: {ate_dml}')
    User generated image

    We get an almost identical result!

    When we plot the residuals we can see that the variance is reduced like in CUPED (although we don’t add the mean to scale for interpretation):

    # Fit model outcome model using pre-experiment covariates
    X_all = df_exp_1[pre_covariates]
    X_all = sm.add_constant(X)
    y_all = df_exp_1[target_metric]
    outcome_model = sm.OLS(y_all, X_all).fit()

    # Compute residuals and adjust target metric
    df_exp_1['outcome_residuals'] = df_exp_1[target_metric].to_numpy().flatten() - outcome_model.predict(X_all)

    # Plot results
    plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
    sns.kdeplot(data=df_exp_1[df_exp_1['treatment'] == 0], x="outcome_residuals", hue="treatment", fill=True, palette="Set1", label="Adjusted Target")
    sns.kdeplot(data=df_exp_1[df_exp_1['treatment'] == 0], x="y_value_exp", hue="treatment", fill=True, palette="Set2", label="Original Value")
    plt.title(f"Distribution of Value by Original vs DML")

    User generated image

    “So what?” I hear you ask!

    Firstly, I think it’s an interesting observation for anyone using double machine learning — The first stage outcome model help reduce the variance and therefore we should get similar benefits to CUPED.

    Secondly, it raises the question when is each method appropriate? Let’s close things off by covering off this question…

    When should we use double machine learning rather than CUPED?

    There are several reasons why it may make sense to tend towards CUPED:

    • It’s easier to understand.
    • It’s simpler to implement.
    • It’s one model rather than three, meaning you have less challenges with overfitting.

    However, there are a couple of exceptions where double machine learning outperforms CUPED:

    • Biased treatment assignment — When the treatment assignment is biased, for example when you are using observational data, double machine learning can deal with this. My article from earlier in the series builds on this:

    De-biasing Treatment Effects with Double Machine Learning

    • Heterogenous treatment effects — When you want to understand effects at an individual level, for example finding out who it is worth sending discounts to, double machine learning can help with this. There is a good case study which illustrates this in my previous article on optimising treatment strategies:

    Using Double Machine Learning and Linear Programming to optimise treatment strategies

    Final thoughts

    Today we did a whistle stop tour of experimentation, covering hypothesis testing, power analysis and bootstrapping. We then explored how CUPED can reduce the standard error and increase the power of our experiments. Finally, we touched on it’s similarities to double machine learning and discussed when each method should be used. There are a few additional key points which are worth mentioning in terms CUPED:

    • We don’t have to use linear regression — If we have multiple covariates, maybe some with non-linear relationships, we could use a machine learning technique like boosting.
    • If we do go down the route of using a machine learning technique, we need to make sure not to overfit the data.
    • Some careful thought should go into when to run CUPED — Are you going to run it before you start your experiment and then run a power analysis to determine your reduced sample size? Or are you just going to run it after your experiment to reduce the standard error?

    Follow me if you want to continue this journey into Causal AI – In the next article we will find out why Diff-in-Diffs is taking the world by storm!

    Powering Experiments with CUPED and Double Machine Learning was originally published in Towards Data Science on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

    Originally appeared here:
    Powering Experiments with CUPED and Double Machine Learning

    Go Here to Read this Fast! Powering Experiments with CUPED and Double Machine Learning

  • The Wonders of Bloom Filters: A Practical Guide

    Kuruva Satya Ganesh

    In this article, we’ll explore Bloom filters and how they can supercharge your app’s performance. Discover how this clever data structure…

    Originally appeared here:
    The Wonders of Bloom Filters: A Practical Guide

    Go Here to Read this Fast! The Wonders of Bloom Filters: A Practical Guide

  • LLM-Powered Parsing and Analysis of Semi-Structured & Structured Documents

    LLM-Powered Parsing and Analysis of Semi-Structured & Structured Documents

    Umair Ali Khan

    LLM-Powered Parsing and Analysis of Semi-Structured & Unstructured Documents

    How to extract required information from your documents

    Document parsing is the process of analyzing a document’s content (unstructured or semi-structured) to extract specific information or to transform the content into a more structured format. The goal of document parsing is to break down the document into its constituent parts and interpret these parts. Document parsing is very useful for organizations that deal with large volumes of data in various formats which requires automated data extraction. There could be several use cases where document parsing is useful in business, e.g., invoice processing, analysis of legal contracts, customer feedback analysis from multiple sources, and financial statement analysis, to name a few.

    Before the advent of Large Language Models (LLMs), document parsing was done using predefined rules such as Regular Expressions (Regex). However, these rules lack flexibility and are limited to pre-defined structures. Real-world documents often have inconsistencies and do not follow a fixed structure or format. This is where LLMs could be of immense potential to extract specific information from semi-structured or unstructured documents for further analysis.

    In this article, I will explain, with a practical example, how to automatically extract required information from semi-structured and unstructured documents using an LLM and subsequently analyze this information. The documents used in this experiment comprise the AI advisory feedback to companies in our FAIR (Finnish AI Region) project. These documents contain data about a company’s AI maturity, current solution, need for AI integration, future plans regarding AI integration, technical expertise, services sought from AI advisory, and detailed recommendations from the AI experts. Extraction of key information from these documents and their subsequent analysis can provide useful insights about recent trends in AI adoption across various industries, the specific needs and challenges companies are facing in implementing AI solutions, and the types of AI technologies that are currently in demand.

    The following figure shows the entire workflow of document parsing with LLM and subsequent analysis.

    Workflow of document parsing using LLM and data analysis (image by the author)

    The code to implement this entire workflow is available on GitHub.

    Let’s go through these steps one by one.

    1. Text Extraction

    The documents used in this example include the AI advisory feedback that we provide to companies after an advisory session. These companies include startups and established companies who want to integrate AI into their business or want to advance their existing AI solutions. The feedback document is a semi-structured document whose format is shown below. The names and other information in this document have been changed due to privacy constraints.

    Example document of our AI advisory feedback (image by the author)

    The AI experts provide their analysis for each field. However, with hundreds of such documents, extracting insights from the data becomes a challenging task. To gain insights into this data, it needs to be converted into a concise, structured format that can be analyzed using existing statistical or machine learning methods. Performing this conversion manually is not only labor-intensive and time-consuming but also prone to errors.

    In addition to the readily visible information in the document, such as the company name, consultation date, and expert(s) involved, I aimed to extract specific details for further analysis. These included the major industry or domain each company operates in, a concise description of the current solutions offered, the AI topic(s), company type, AI maturity level, aim, and a brief summary of the recommendations. This extraction needed to be performed on the detailed text associated with each field. Additionally, the feedback template has evolved over time, which has resulted in documents with inconsistent formats.

    Before we discuss the text extraction from the documents, please note that following libraries need to be installed for running the complete code used in this article.

    # Install the required libraries
    !pip install tqdm # For displaying a progress bar for document processing
    !pip install requests # For making HTTP requests
    !pip install pandas # For data manipulation and analysis
    !pip install python-docx # For processing Word documents
    !pip install plotly # For creating interactive visualizations
    !pip install numpy # For numerical computations
    !pip install scikit-learn # For machine learning algorithms and tools
    !pip install matplotlib # For creating static, animated, and interactive plots
    !pip install openai # For interacting with the OpenAI API
    !pip install seaborn # For statistical data visualization

    The following code extracts text from a document (.docx format) using python-docx library. It is important to extract text from all the formats, including paragraphs, tables, headers, and footers.

    def extract_text_from_docx(docx_path: str):
    Extract text content from a Word (.docx) file.
    doc = docx.Document(docx_path)
    full_text = []

    # Extract text from paragraphs
    for para in doc.paragraphs:

    # Extract text from tables
    for table in doc.tables:
    for row in table.rows:
    for cell in row.cells:

    # Extract text from headers and footers
    for section in doc.sections:
    header = section.header
    footer = section.footer
    for para in header.paragraphs:
    for para in footer.paragraphs:

    return 'n'.join(full_text).strip()

    2. Set LLM Prompts

    We need to instruct the LLM on how to extract the required information from the documents. Also, we need to explain the meaning of each field of interest to be extracted so that it can extract the semantically matching information from the documents. This is particularly important because a required field comprising one or more words can be interpreted in several ways. For instance, we need to explain what we mean by “aim”, which basically refers to the company’s plans for AI integration or how it wants to advance its current solution. Therefore, crafting the right prompt for this purpose is very important.

    I set the instructions in system prompt to guide the LLM’s behavior. The input prompt comprises the data to be processed by the LLM. The system prompt is shown below.

    # System prompt with extraction instructions
    system_message = """
    You are an expert in analyzing and extracting information from the feedback forms written by AI experts after AI advisory sessions with companies.
    Please carefully read the provided feedback form and extract the following 15 key information. Make sure that the key names are exactly the same as
    given below. Do not create any additional key names other than these 15.
    Key names and their descriptions:
    1. Company name: name of the company seeking AI advisory
    2. Country: Company's country [output 'N/A' if not available]
    3. Consultation Date [output 'N/A' if not available]
    4. Experts: persons providing AI consultancy [output 'N/A' if not available]
    5. Consultation type: Regular or pop-up [output 'N/A' if not available]
    6. Area/domain: Field of the company’s operations. Some examples: healthcare, industrial manufacturing, business development, education, etc.
    7. Current Solution: description of the current solution offered by the company. The company could be currently in ideation phase. Some examples of ‘Current Solution’ field include i) Recommendation system for cars, houses, and other items, ii) Professional guidance system, iii) AI-based matchmaking service for educational peer-to-peer support. [Be very specific and concise]
    8. AI field: AI's sub-field in use or required. Some examples: image processing, large language models, computer vision, natural language processing, predictive modeling, speech recognition, etc. [This field is not explicitly available in the document. Extract it by the semantic understanding of the overall document.]
    9. AI maturity level: low, moderate, high [output 'N/A' if not available].
    10. Company type: ‘startup’ or ‘established company’
    11. Aim: The AI tasks the company is looking for. Some examples: i) Enhance AI-driven systems for diagnosing heart diseases, ii) to automate identification of key variable combinations in customer surveys, iii) to develop AI-based system for automatic quotation generation from engineering drawings, iv) to building and managing enterprise-grade LLM applications. [Be very specific and concise]
    12. Identified target market: The targeted customers. Some examples: healthcare professionals, construction firms, hospitality, educational institutions, etc.
    13. Data Requirement Assessment: The type of data required for the intended AI integration? Some examples: Transcripts of therapy sessions, patient data, textual data, image data, videos, etc.
    14. FAIR Services Sought: The services expected from FAIR. For instance, technical advice, proof of concept.
    15. Recommendations: A brief summary of the recommendations in the form of key words or phrase list. Some examples: i) Focus on data balance, monitor for bias, prioritize transparency, ii) Explore machine learning algorithms, implement decision trees, gradient boosting. [Be very specific and concise]
    - Very important: do not make up anything. If the information of a required field is not available, output ‘N/A’ for it.
    - Output in JSON format. The JSON should contain the above 15 keys.

    It is important to emphasize what the LLM should focus on. For instance, the number of key elements to be extracted, using exactly the same field names as specified, and not inventing any information if not available. An explanation of each field and some examples of the required information (if possible) are also important. It is worth mentioning that an optimal prompt may not be crafted in the first attempt.

    3. Process Documents

    Processing the documents refers to sending the data to an LLM for parsing. I used OpenAI’s gpt-4o-mini model for document parsing which is an affordable and intelligent small model for fast, lightweight tasks. GPT-4o mini is cheaper and more capable than GPT-3.5 Turbo. However, the lightweight versions of open LLMs such as Llama, Mistral, or Phi-3 can also be tested for this purpose.

    The following code walks through a directory and its sub-directories to find the AI advisory documents (.docx format), extract text from each document, and send the document to gpt-4o-mini via an API call.

    def process_files(directory_path: str, api_key: str, system_message: str):
    Process all .docx files in the given directory and its subdirectories,
    send their content to the LLM, and store the JSON responses.
    json_outputs = []
    docx_files = []

    # Walk through the directory and its subdirectories to find .docx files
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(directory_path):
    for file in files:
    if file.endswith(".docx"):
    docx_files.append(os.path.join(root, file))

    if not docx_files:
    print("No .docx files found in the specified directory or sub-directories.")
    return json_outputs

    # Iterate through all .docx files in the directory with a progress bar
    for file_path in tqdm(docx_files, desc="Processing files...", unit="file"):
    filename = os.path.basename(file_path)
    extracted_text = extract_text_from_docx(file_path)
    # Prepare the user message with the extracted text
    input_message = extracted_text

    # Prepare the API request payload
    headers = {
    "Content-Type": "application/json",
    "Authorization": f"Bearer {api_key}"
    payload = {
    "model": "gpt-4o-mini",
    "messages": [
    {"role": "system", "content": system_message},
    {"role": "user", "content": input_message}
    "max_tokens": 2000,
    "temperature": 0.2

    # Send the request to the LLM API
    response = requests.post("https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions", headers=headers, json=payload)

    # Extract the JSON response
    json_response = response.json()
    content = json_response['choices'][0]['message']['content'].strip("```jsonn").strip("```")
    parsed_json = json.loads(content)

    # Normalize the parsed JSON output
    normalized_json = normalize_json_output(parsed_json)

    # Append the normalized JSON output to the list

    return json_outputs

    In the call’s payload, I set the maximum number of tokens (max_tokens) to 2000 to accommodate the input/output tokens. I set a relatively low temperature (0.2) so that the LLM does not have a high creativity which is not required for this task. A high temperature may lead to hallucinations where the LLM may invent new information.

    The LLM’s response is received in a JSON object and is further parsed and normalized as discussed in the next section.

    4. Parse LLM Output

    As shown in the above code, the response from the API is received in a JSON object (parsed_json) which is further normalized using the following function.

    def normalize_json_output(json_output):
    Normalize the keys and convert list values to comma-separated strings.
    normalized_output = {}
    for key, value in json_output.items():
    normalized_key = key.lower().replace(" ", "_")
    if isinstance(value, list):
    normalized_output[normalized_key] = ', '.join(value)
    normalized_output[normalized_key] = value
    return normalized_output

    This function standardizes the keys of the JSON object by converting them to lowercase and replacing spaces with underscores. Additionally, it converts any list values into comma-separated strings to make the data easier to work with and analyze.

    The normalized JSON object (json_outputs), containing the extracted key information from all the documents, is finally saved to an Excel file.

    def save_json_to_excel(json_outputs, output_file_path: str):
    Save the list of JSON objects to an Excel file with a SNO. column.
    # Convert the list of JSON objects to a DataFrame
    df = pd.DataFrame(json_outputs)

    # Add a Serial Number (SNO.) column
    df.insert(0, 'SNO.', range(1, len(df) + 1))

    # Ensure all columns are consistent and save the DataFrame to an Excel file
    df.to_excel(output_file_path, index=False)

    A snapshot of the Excel file is shown below. LLM-powered parsing produced precise information pertaining to the required fields. The “N/A” in the snapshot represents the data unavailable in the documents (old feedback templates missing this information).

    The Excel file containing the extracted information from all documents of AI advisory feedback (image by the author)

    Finally, the code to call all the above-mentioned functions is given below. Note that OpenAI’s API key is required to run this code.

    # Directory containing files
    directory_path = 'Documents'
    # API key for GPT-4-mini
    api_key = 'YOUR_OPENAI_API_KEY'
    # Process files and get the JSON outputs
    json_outputs = process_files(directory_path, api_key, system_message)

    if json_outputs:
    # Save the JSON outputs to an Excel file
    output_file_path = 'processed-gpt-o-mini.xlsx'
    save_json_to_excel(json_outputs, output_file_path)
    print(f"Processed data has been saved to {output_file_path}")
    print("No .docx file found.")

    I also parsed some unstructured versions of the same documents. Here is a snapshot of the unstructured version of the same AI feedback. The names and important details in this version have been changed due to privacy constraints.

    A snapshot of the unstructured version of the AI advisory feedback (image by the author)

    The parsing delivered the same precise and accurate information. A snapshot of the parsing results is shown below.

    A snapshot showing the parsing of an unstructured version of the AI advisory feedback (image by the author)

    5. Perform Data Analysis

    Now that we have a structured document, we can perform several analysis of this data. Even the LLM can be further used to suggest several analyses and even perform analysis with the given data and/or help writing the analysis code. For example, I quickly did the following two analyses to find the AI maturity level distribution of the companies, and the company type distribution. The following code generates visual insights into these distributions.

    import pandas as pd
    import plotly.express as px

    # Load the dataset
    file_path = 'processed-gpt-o-mini.xlsx' # Update this to match your file path
    data = pd.read_excel(file_path)

    # Convert fields to lowercase
    data['ai_maturity_level'] = data['ai_maturity_level'].str.lower()
    data['company_type'] = data['company_type'].str.lower()

    # Plot for AI Maturity Level
    fig_ai_maturity = px.bar(data,
    title="AI Maturity Level Distribution",
    labels={'ai_maturity_level': 'AI Maturity Level', 'count': 'Number of Companies'})

    # Update layout for AI Maturity Level plot
    xaxis_title="AI Maturity Level",
    yaxis_title="Number of Companies",
    xaxis={'categoryorder':'total descending'}, # Order bars by descending number of companies

    # Display the AI Maturity Level figure

    # Plot for Company Type
    fig_company_type = px.bar(data,
    title="Company Type Distribution",
    labels={'company_type': 'Company Type', 'count': 'Number of Companies'})

    # Update layout for Company Type plot
    xaxis_title="Company Type",
    yaxis_title="Number of Companies",
    xaxis={'categoryorder':'total descending'}, # Order bars by descending number of companies

    # Display the Company Type figure

    Here are the graphs generated by this code.

    Distribution of companies with respect to their types (image by the author)
    Distribution of AI maturity levels of the companies seeking AI advisory (image by the author)

    Further analyses can be done on the fields of area/domain, current solution, AI field, target market, and the experts’ recommendations to find the main themes or clusters of these fields. For the purpose of demonstration, I only performed clustering of area/domain field to find the main sectors these companies operate in.

    For this purpose, I performed the following steps.

    1. Computed the embeddings of the text in the `area/domain` field using OpenAI’s text-embedding-3-small embedding model. Alternatively, an open embedding model such as all-MiniLM-L12-v2 can also be used.
    2. Applied the K-means clustering algorithm to the embeddings and experimented with different numbers of clusters to find the optimal one. This was done by computing the Silhouette score for each clustering result to evaluate the quality of the clustering. The cluster number with the highest Silhouette score was selected as the optimal number.
    3. Clustered the data using the optimal number of clusters.
    4. Sent the clusters to the gpt-4o-mini model for assigning a label to each cluster based on the semantic similarity of all data points within the cluster.
    5. Used the labeled clusters to represent the major sectors the companies seeking AI advisory belong to.

    To know more about embeddings, please refer to the following article of mine.

    The Power of Embeddings for Semantic Search

    The following code computes embeddings with OpenAI’s text-embedding-3-smalle mbedding model.

    def fetch_embeddings(texts, filename):
    # Check if the embeddings file already exists
    if os.path.exists(filename):
    print(f"Loading embeddings from {filename}...")
    with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
    embeddings = pickle.load(f)
    print("Computing embeddings...")
    embeddings = []
    for text in texts:
    embedding = client.embeddings.create(input=[text], model="text-embedding-3-small").data[0].embedding
    embeddings = np.array(embeddings)
    # Save the embeddings to a file for future use
    print(f"Saving embeddings to {filename}...")
    with open(filename, 'wb') as f:
    pickle.dump(embeddings, f)
    return embeddings

    After computing the embeddings, the following code snippet finds the optimal number of clusters using k-means clustering with the computed embeddings. Before computing embeddings, unique names in area/domain field are computed; however, it is also important to keep track of the original indices for later analysis. The unique names in area/domain field are contained in deduplicated_domains list.

    # Load the dataset
    file_path = 'C:/Users/h02317/Downloads/processed-gpt-o-mini.xlsx'
    data = pd.read_excel(file_path)

    # Extract the "area/domain" field and process the data
    area_domain_data = data['area/domain'].dropna().tolist()

    # Deduplicate the data while keeping track of the original indices
    deduplicated_domains = []
    original_to_dedup = []
    for item in area_domain_data:
    item_lower = item.strip().lower()
    if item_lower not in deduplicated_domains:
    # Fetch embeddings for all deduplicated domain data points
    embeddings = fetch_embeddings(deduplicated_domains, filename="all_domains_embeddings_2.pkl")

    # Determine the optimal number of clusters using the silhouette score
    silhouette_scores = []
    K_range = list(range(2, len(deduplicated_domains))) # Testing between 2 and the total number of unique domains
    print('Finding optimal number of clusters')
    for k in K_range:
    kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=k, random_state=42)
    score = silhouette_score(embeddings, kmeans.labels_)

    # Find the optimal number of clusters
    optimal_k = K_range[np.argmax(silhouette_scores)]
    print(f'Optimal number of clusters: {optimal_k}')
    # Plot the silhouette scores
    plot_silhouette_scores(K_range, silhouette_scores, optimal_k)

    The following graph shows the Silhouette scores of all clusters and the optimal number of clusters.

    Silhouette scores, computed by k-means clustering using different numbers of clusters. The highest Silhouette score represents the optimal number of clusters (n=11) (image by the author)

    Clustering is done with the optimal number of clusters (optimal_k) with the following code snippet. The clusters with the unique data points are stored in dedup_clusters. These clusters are also mapped to the original data points and are stored in original_clusters for later use.

    # Perform k-means clustering with the optimal number of clusters
    kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=optimal_k, random_state=42)
    dedup_clusters = kmeans.labels_

    # Map clusters back to the original data points
    original_clusters = [dedup_clusters[idx] for idx in original_to_dedup]

    The original_clusters are sent to gpt-4o-mini model to assign labels. The following code snippet shows the system and input prompts sent with the payload. The output is received in JSON format. For this task, a higher temperature (0.7) is selected so that the model can utilize some creativity for assigning suitable labels.

    # Function to label clusters using GPT-4-o-mini
    def label_clusters_with_gpt(clusters, api_key):
    # Prepare the input for GPT-4
    cluster_descriptions = []
    for cluster_id, data_points in clusters.items():
    cluster_descriptions.append(f"Cluster {cluster_id}: {', '.join(data_points)}")

    # Prepare the system and input messages
    system_message = "You are a helpful assistant"
    input_message = (
    "Please label each of the following clusters with a concise, specific label based on the semantic similarity "
    "of the data points within each cluster."
    "Output in a JSON format where the keys are cluster numbers and the values are cluster labels."
    "nn" + "n".join(cluster_descriptions)

    # Set up the request payload
    headers = {
    "Content-Type": "application/json",
    "Authorization": f"Bearer {api_key}"
    payload = {
    "model": "gpt-4o-mini", # Model name
    "messages": [
    {"role": "system", "content": system_message},
    {"role": "user", "content": input_message}
    "max_tokens": 2000,
    "temperature": 0.7

    # Send the request to the API
    response = requests.post("https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions", headers=headers, json=payload)

    # Extract and parse the response
    if response.status_code == 200:
    response_data = response.json()
    response_text = response_data['choices'][0]['message']['content'].strip()
    # Ensure that the JSON is correctly formatted
    response_text = response_text.replace("```json", "").replace("```", "").strip()
    cluster_labels = json.loads(response_text)
    except json.JSONDecodeError as e:
    print("Failed to parse JSON:", e)
    cluster_labels = {}

    return cluster_labels
    print(f"Request failed with status code {response.status_code}")
    print("Response Body:", response.text)
    return None

    The following function, clusters_to_dataframe, transforms the JSON output from gpt-4o-mini into a structured pandas DataFrame. It organizes labeled clusters by converting each cluster’s label, associated data points, and the count of original data points into a tabular format. The function ensures that each cluster is clearly identified by its number, label, and content, making it easier to analyze and visualize the clustering results. The resulting data frame is sorted by cluster number, providing a clean and organized view of the data.

    # Function to convert the JSON labeled clusters into a DataFrame
    def clusters_to_dataframe(cluster_labels, clusters, original_clustered_data):
    data = {"Cluster Number": [], "Label": [], "Data Points": [], "Original Data Points": []}

    # Iterate through the cluster labels
    for cluster_num, label in cluster_labels.items():
    cluster_num = int(cluster_num) # Convert cluster number to integer
    data["Cluster Number"].append(cluster_num)
    data["Data Points"].append(repr(clusters[cluster_num])) # Use repr to retain the original list format
    data["Original Data Points"].append(len(original_clustered_data[cluster_num])) # Count original data points

    # Convert to DataFrame and sort by "Cluster Number"
    df = pd.DataFrame(data)
    df = df.sort_values(by='Cluster Number').reset_index(drop=True)
    return df

    The final data frame returned by this function is shown below.

    Labels assigned to each cluster by gpt-4o-mini. These labels represent the major sectors the companies belong to. “Original Data Points” represent the number of companies in each sector (image by the author)

    The following code snippet plots a visualization of the number of companies in each sector.

    '''draw visualization'''
    import plotly.express as px

    # Use the "Original Data Points" column for the number of companies
    df_labeled_clusters['No. of companies'] = df_labeled_clusters['Original Data Points']

    # Create the Plotly bar chart
    fig = px.bar(df_labeled_clusters,
    y='No. of companies',
    title="Number of Companies per Sector",
    labels={'Label': 'Sectors', 'No. of companies': 'No. of Companies'})

    # Update layout for better visibility
    yaxis_title="No. of Companies",
    xaxis={'categoryorder':'total descending'}, # Order bars by descending number of companies

    # Display the figure
    Number of companies in each sector/cluster (image by the author)


    In this article, I demonstrated how an LLM can be used to transform data from semi-structured and unstructured documents into structured formats. Subsequently, the structured data can be further analyzed using traditional machine learning and statistical methods.

    For illustration purposes, I focused only on clustering the “area/domain” field to identify the major sectors companies operate in. However, this approach can be extended to various other data fields, such as identifying the types of current solutions offered by companies, analyzing AI technologies in use or under consideration, clustering the “aim” field to uncover major AI trends in business, examining the “data_requirement_assessment” field to understand existing data needs, and clustering the “fair_services_sought” field to find key advisory interests from companies. Additionally, the “recommendation” field, which contains rich advisory data across different domains, can also be analyzed using this technique.

    Due to privacy constraints, I cannot share the original dataset. However, I have provided sample documents on GitHub that can be used to run and test the entire code.

    This approach and code are not limited to the specific documents used in this demonstration. The code and LLM parameters, especially the prompts, can be adapted to other types of documents. The code can also be modified to parse data from images (e.g., scanned invoices, financial and healthcare documents, etc.) and subsequent analysis.

    If you like the article, please clap the article and follow me on Medium and/or LinkedIn


    For the full code reference, please take a look at my repo:

    GitHub – umairalipathan1980/LLM-Powered-Document-Parsing-and-Analysis: Repository to extract key information from semi-/un-structured documents using large language models.

    References and Other Related Posts You May Like

    Magyar, Dávid, and Sándor Szénási. “Parsing via Regular Expressions.” 2021 IEEE 19th World Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics (SAMI). IEEE, 2021.


    LLM-Powered Parsing and Analysis of Semi-Structured & Structured Documents was originally published in Towards Data Science on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

    Originally appeared here:

    LLM-Powered Parsing and Analysis of Semi-Structured & Structured Documents

    Go Here to Read this Fast!

    LLM-Powered Parsing and Analysis of Semi-Structured & Structured Documents

  • Delight your customers with great conversational experiences via QnABot, a generative AI chatbot

    Delight your customers with great conversational experiences via QnABot, a generative AI chatbot

    Ajay Swamy

    QnABot on AWS (an AWS Solution) now provides access to Amazon Bedrock foundational models (FMs) and Knowledge Bases for Amazon Bedrock, a fully managed end-to-end Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) workflow. You can now provide contextual information from your private data sources that can be used to create rich, contextual, conversational experiences. In this post, we discuss how to use QnABot on AWS to deploy a fully functional chatbot integrated with other AWS services, and delight your customers with human agent like conversational experiences.

    Originally appeared here:
    Delight your customers with great conversational experiences via QnABot, a generative AI chatbot

    Go Here to Read this Fast! Delight your customers with great conversational experiences via QnABot, a generative AI chatbot

  • A Fresh Look at Nonlinearity in Deep Learning

    A Fresh Look at Nonlinearity in Deep Learning

    Harys Dalvi

    The traditional reasoning behind why we need nonlinear activation functions is only one dimension of this story.

    What do the softmax, ReLU, sigmoid, and tanh functions have in common? They’re all activation functions — and they’re all nonlinear. But why do we need activation functions in the first place, specifically nonlinear activation functions? There’s a traditional reasoning, and also a new way to look at it.

    The traditional reasoning is this: without a nonlinear activation function, a deep neural network is just a composition of matrix multiplications and adding biases. These are linear transformations, and you can prove using linear algebra that the composition of linear transformations is just another linear transformation.

    So no matter how many linear layers we stack together, without activation functions, our entire model is no better than a linear regression. It will completely fail to capture nonlinear relationships, even simple ones like XOR.

    Enter activation functions: by allowing the model to learn a nonlinear function, we gain the ability to model all kinds of complicated real-world relationships.

    This story, which you may already be familiar with, is entirely correct. But the study of any topic benefits from a variety of viewpoints, especially deep learning with all its interpretability challenges. Today I want to share with you another way to look at the need for activation functions, and what it reveals about the inner workings of deep learning models.

    In short, what I want to share with you is this: the way we normally construct deep learning classifiers creates an inductive bias in the model. Specifically, using a linear layer for the output means that the rest of the model must find a linearly separable transformation of the input. The intuition behind this can be really useful, so I’ll share some examples that I hope will clarify some of this jargon.

    The Traditional Explanation

    Let’s revisit the traditional rationale for nonlinear activation functions with an example. We’ll look at a simple case: XOR.

    A plot of the XOR function with colored ground truth values. Background color represents linear regression predictions. Image by author.

    Here I’ve trained a linear regression model on the XOR function with two binary inputs (ground truth values are plotted as dots). I’ve plotted the outputs of the regression as the background color. The regression didn’t learn anything at all: it guessed 0.5 in all cases.

    Now, instead of a linear model, I’m going to train a very basic deep learning model with MSE loss. Just one linear layer with two neurons, followed by the ReLU activation function, and then finally the output neuron. To keep things simple, I’ll use only weights, no biases.

    A diagram of our basic neural network. Made with draw.io by author.

    What happens now?

    Another plot of the XOR function, this time with predictions from a simple deep learning model. Image by author.

    Wow, now it’s perfect! What do the weights look like?

    Layer 1 weight: [[ 1.1485, -1.1486],
    [-1.0205, 1.0189]]


    Layer 2 weight: [[0.8707, 0.9815]]

    So for two inputs x and y, our output is:

    output = 0.87 × ReLU(1.15x — 1.15y) + 0.98 × ReLU(-1.15x + 1.02y).

    This is really similar to

    output = ReLU(x — y) + ReLU(y — x),

    which you can verify is exactly the XOR function for inputs x, y in {0, 1}.

    If we didn’t have the ReLU in there, we could simplify our model to 0.001y – 0.13x, a linear function that wouldn’t work at all. So there you have it, the traditional explanation: since XOR is an inherently nonlinear function, it can’t be precisely modeled by any linear function. Even a composition of linear functions won’t work, because that’s just another linear function. Introducing the nonlinear ReLU function allows us to capture nonlinear relationships.

    Digging Deeper: Inductive Bias

    Now we’re going to work on the same XOR model, but we’ll look at it through a different lens and get a better sense of the inductive bias of this model.

    What is an inductive bias? Given any problem, there are many ways to solve it. Essentially, an inductive bias is something built into the architecture of a model that leads it to choose a particular method of solving a problem over any other method.

    In this deep learning model, our final layer is a simple linear layer. This means our model can’t work at all unless the model’s output immediately before the final layer can be solved by linear regression. In other words, the final hidden state before the output must be linearly separable for the model to work. This inductive bias is a property of our model architecture, not the XOR function.

    Luckily, in this model, our hidden state has only two neurons. Therefore, we can visualize it in two dimensions. What does it look like?

    The input representation for the XOR function transformed into a hidden representation with deep learning (after one linear layer and ReLU). Background color represents the predictions of a linear regression model. Image by author.

    As we saw before, a linear regression model alone is not effective for the XOR input. But once we pass the input through the first layer and ReLU of our neural network, our output classes can be neatly separated by a line (linearly separable). This means linear regression will now work, and in fact our final layer effectively just performs this linear regression.

    Now, what does this tell us about inductive bias? Since our last layer is a linear layer, the representation before this layer must be at least approximately linearly separable. Otherwise the last layer, which functions as a linear regression, will fail.

    Linear Classifier Probes

    For the XOR model, this might look like a trivial extension of the traditional view we saw before. But how does this work for more complex models? As models get deeper, we can get more insight by looking at nonlinearity in this way. This paper by Guillaume Alain and Yoshua Bengio investigates this idea using linear classifier probes.[1]

    “The hex dump represented at the left has more information contents than the image at the right. Only one of them can be processed by the human brain in time to save their lives. Computational convenience matters. Not just entropy.” Figure and caption from Alain & Bengio, 2018 (Link). [1]

    For many cases like MNIST handwritten digits, all the information needed to make a prediction already exists in the input: it’s just a matter of processing it. Alain and Bengio observe that as we get deeper into a model, we actually have less information at each layer, not more. But the upside is that at each layer, the information we do have becomes “easier to use”. What we mean by this is that the information becomes increasingly linearly separable after each hidden layer.

    How do we find out how linearly separable the model’s representation is after each layer? Alain and Bengio suggest using what they call linear classifier probes. The idea is that after each layer, we train a linear regression to predict the final output, using the hidden states at that layer as input.

    This is essentially what we did for the last XOR plot: we trained a linear regression on the hidden states right before the last layer, and we found that this regression successfully predicted the final output (1 or 0). We were unable to do this with the raw input, when the data was not linearly separable. Remember that the final layer is basically linear regression, so in a sense this method is like creating a new final layer that is shifted earlier in the model.

    Alain and Bengio applied this to a convolutional neural network trained on MNIST handwritten digits: before and after each convolution, ReLU, and pooling, they added a linear probe. What they found is that the test error almost always decreased from one probe to the next, indicating an increase in linear separability.

    Why does the data become linearly separable, and not “polynomially separable” or something else? Since the last layer is linear, the loss function we use will pressure all the other layers in the model to work together and create a linearly separable representation for the final layer to predict from.

    Does this idea apply to large language models (LLMs) as well? In fact, it does. Jin et al. (2024) used linear classifier probes to demonstrate how LLMs learn various concepts. They found that simple concepts, such as whether a given city is the capital of a given country, become linearly separable early in the model: just a few nonlinear activations are required to model these relationships. In contrast, many reasoning skills do not become linearly separable until later in the model, or not at all for smaller models.[2]


    When we use activation functions, we introduce nonlinearity into our deep learning models. This is certainly good to know, but we can get even more value by interpreting the consequences of linearity and nonlinearity in multiple ways.

    While the above interpretation looks at the model as a whole, one useful mental model centers on the final linear layer of a deep learning model. Since this is a linear layer, whatever comes before it has to be linearly separable; otherwise, the model won’t work. Therefore, when training, the rest of the layers of the model will work together to find a linear representation that the final layer can use for its prediction.

    It’s always good to have more than one intuition for the same thing. This is especially true in deep learning where models can be so black-box that any trick to gain better interpretability is helpful. Many papers have applied this intuition to get fascinating results: Alain and Bengio (2018) used it to develop the concept of linear classifier probing, while Jin et al. (2024) built on this to watch increasingly complicated concepts develop in a language model layer-by-layer.

    I hope this new mental model for the purpose of nonlinearities was helpful to you, and that you’ll now be able to shed some more light on black-box deep neural networks!

    Photo by Nashad Abdu on Unsplash


    [1] G. Alain and Y. Bengio, Understanding intermediate layers using linear classifier probes (2018), arXiv

    [2] M. Jin et al., Exploring Concept Depth: How Large Language Models Acquire Knowledge at Different Layers? (2024), arXiv

    A Fresh Look at Nonlinearity in Deep Learning was originally published in Towards Data Science on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

    Originally appeared here:
    A Fresh Look at Nonlinearity in Deep Learning

    Go Here to Read this Fast! A Fresh Look at Nonlinearity in Deep Learning