SQL Optimization, Data Science Portfolios, and Other July Must-Reads

TDS Editors

Feeling inspired to write your first TDS post? We’re always open to contributions from new authors.

Our most-read and -discussed articles from the past month suggest that neither extreme summer weather nor global sporting events can derail our readers from upping their skills and expanding their knowledge of emerging topics.

Our monthly highlights cover data science career paths, cutting-edge LLM workflows, and always-relevant topics around SQL and Python. They’re brought to you with our authors’ signature blend of accessibility and expertise, so in case you missed any of them, we hope you enjoy our July must-reads. (If hot temperatures are affecting your attention span—we know the feeling!—you’ll be glad to know that all but two of the articles below are under-10-minute reads.)

Monthly Highlights

Photo by A. Zuhri on Unsplash

Our latest cohort of new authors

Every month, we’re thrilled to see a fresh group of authors join TDS, each sharing their own unique voice, knowledge, and experience with our community. If you’re looking for new writers to explore and follow, just browse the work of our latest additions, including Jason Zhong, Don Robert Stimpson, Nicholas DiSalvo, Rudra Sinha, Harys Dalvi, Blake Norrish, Nathan Bos, Ph.D., Ashish Abraham, Jignesh Patel, Shreya Shukla, Vinícius Hector, Fima Furman, Kaizad Wadia, Tomas Jancovic (It’s AI Thomas), Laurin Heilmeyer, Li Yin, Kunal Kambo Puri, Mourjo Sen, Rahul Vir, Meghan Heintz, Dron Mongia, Mahsa Ebrahimian, Pierre-Etienne Toulemonde, Shashank Sharma, Anders Ohrn, Alex Davis, Badr Alabsi, PhD, Jubayer Hossain Ahad, Adesh Nalpet Adimurthy, Mariusz Kujawski, Arieda Muço, Sachin Khandewal, Cai Parry-Jones, Martin Jurran, Alicja Dobrzeniecka, Anna Gordun Peiro, Robert Etter, Christabelle Santos, Sachin Hosmani, and Jiayan Yin.

Thank you for supporting the work of our authors! We love publishing articles from new authors, so if you’ve recently written an interesting project walkthrough, tutorial, or theoretical reflection on any of our core topics, don’t hesitate to share it with us.

Until the next Variable,

TDS Team

SQL Optimization, Data Science Portfolios, and Other July Must-Reads was originally published in Towards Data Science on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Originally appeared here:
SQL Optimization, Data Science Portfolios, and Other July Must-Reads

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