Spain puts $209 million fine on hold while Apple and Amazon appeal

The Spanish High Court says it will suspend its fines against Apple and Amazon while the firms appeal against its antitrust regulator’s ruling.

Apple Passeig de Gracia store in Spain
Apple Passeig de Gracia store in Spain

Spain’s Comision Nacional De Los Mercados Y La Competencia (CNMC) first announced in July 2021 that it was investigating the two companies. The accusation was that the firms unfairly colluded in order to “reduce competition in the Internet retail market for electronic products.”

Central to the case was whether there were any deals that saw Apple restricting sales of its products to only itself and to Amazon. By 2023, the CNMC believed it had found sufficient proof that it fined the pair a total of 194.1 million Euros (now $209.2 million).

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Spain puts $209 million fine on hold while Apple and Amazon appeal