People are already forgetting their Apple Vision Pro passcodes, requiring a trip to Apple

Apple Vision Pro users don’t have any recourse for forgetting a passcode beyond visiting an Apple Store or shipping their headset off to be reset.

An eye is shown with lights shining on the iris for Optic ID in Apple Vision Pro
Optic ID is used for most things, but a passcode is still required

Apple prides itself in providing secure devices locked down by biometrics and passcodes. However, human error gets in the way of any security protocol, no matter how many safeguards may exist.

According to a report from Bloomberg, Apple Support lines are receiving “a lot” of complaints about forgotten passcodes. An anonymous source says support staff have been told to advise users that an in-store or mail-in fix is all that is possible.

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People are already forgetting their Apple Vision Pro passcodes, requiring a trip to Apple