ISS astronauts can watch ‘Ted Lasso’ and ‘For All Mankind’ in space

It’s a little hard to get cable on the International Space Station and even satellite TV won’t cut it, but a select collection of shows are available for the astronauts, and they include Apple TV+ series.

Astronaut helmet reflection shows lunar surface, Earth in background, and another astronaut with a flag. The American flag is visible on the spacesuit.
“For All Mankind” (Source: Apple)

It’s apparently possible to get enough of staring out of an ISS window at the Earth, the stars, or the space debris. But astronauts on the space station today can turn to screens and instead watch Apple TV+ hit “For All Mankind.”

Or at least, according to Gizmodo which filed a Freedom of Information Act request to NASA, they can watch the first three seasons. That takes the story up to 1995, but if they want to see what happens in season four, they’ll have to hope Starliner gets fixed and brings them back to Earth.

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ISS astronauts can watch ‘Ted Lasso’ and ‘For All Mankind’ in space

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ISS astronauts can watch ‘Ted Lasso’ and ‘For All Mankind’ in space