Charles really loves his mostly-older Apple gear, but 2025 is going to be a year of change. Here’s how he gets work done at AppleInsider.

The AppleInsider weekend news hub and Zoom/podcasting studio.

The AppleInsider weekend news hub and Zoom/podcasting studio.
I only develop and write stories for AppleInsider on the weekends, hence my Weekend Editor title. As a result, I have a pretty modest setup and workflow compared to most of the full-timers.
Versatility for travel is one of my key requirements, since I am on the road at various times of the year. Even when I’m at home, I’m often in a cafe or occasionally doing local radio as a “computer guru,” or on Zoom teaching online tech classes.
Go Here to Read this Fast! How we work: Charles prepares for a big Apple tech refresh in 2025
Originally appeared here:
How we work: Charles prepares for a big Apple tech refresh in 2025