Anastasia Tzeveleka While organizations continue to discover the powerful applications of generative AI, adoption is often slowed...
Deepak Kovvuri Generative AI has transformed customer support, offering businesses the ability to respond faster, more accurately,...
TDS Editors Feeling inspired to write your first TDS post? We’re always open to contributions from new authors....
John Leung PySpark techniques and strategies to tackle common performance challenges: A practical walkthrough Apache Spark has...
Nikolaus Correll Using a real-world example to explain MDPs, the Bellman equation and value iteration Continue reading...
Eric Silberstein What exactly do you put in, what exactly do you get out, and how do...
Sergey Kotlov How we use a shared Spark server to make our Spark infrastructure more efficient Image...
Mohamad Hamza An explanation and implementation of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) (feature extraction algorithm ) for...
Steven Craig In this post, we share how Hearst, one of the nation’s largest global, diversified information,...
Ro Isachenko Building a 28% more accurate multimodal image search engine with VLMs. Until recently, AI models were...