Apple Vision Pro is revolutionizing surgical procedures worldwide

As surgeons in other countries get a chance to work with the Apple Vision Pro, they are seeing it as a revolutionary tool — and a big improvement on previous headsets.

Three healthcare professionals in blue scrubs and protective gear operating surgical equipment in a medical setting.
Following examples in the US of the Apple Vision Pro being used in surgeries, a new example has come to light from Brazil. The headset was used in a shoulder arthroscopy procedure dealing with a rupture of the rotator cuff.

The operation, reported on by MacMagazine, was performed in Jaragu do Sul in Santo Domingo. Dr. Bruno Gobbato and his team typically peform this type of operation looking at a screen anyway, using a camera inserted into the injured area.

Gobbato had previously used Microsoft’s HoloLens to perform such surgeries. However, the cameras in the Apple Vision Pro had a much higher resolution and better handling of the bright lights focused on the patient’s shoulder.

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Apple Vision Pro is revolutionizing surgical procedures worldwide