Apple bows to EU pressure over App Store anti-steering practices

Apple has revised its App Store fees and requirements for developers in Europe, following pressure from the EU.

European Union flags fluttering with a backdrop of modern glass building facades.
Apple has introduced new fees and conditions for app developers in the EU

In late June 2024, the European Union announced a preliminary finding that said Apple was in breach of the Digital Markets Act (DMA). Specifically, the EU said that despite its commitments, Apple was not yet fully complying with the DMA’s rules regarding steering, the ability for developers to communicate offers to users.

Now Apple has announced a revision to its terms for developers in the region, which includes a lifting of its restrictions on promoting offers. From the fall, developers will no longer be required to follow any approved wording or templates, and Apple will also no longer limit what app makers can direct users to.

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Apple bows to EU pressure over App Store anti-steering practices