iOS 18 Repair Assistant forces parts pairing for users

Repair Assistant is coming in iOS 18 to handle the proper configuration of new or used Apple parts — but potentially plaguing some users of already-repaired iPhones.

Person repairing an iPhone at a workbench with tools and equipment, blue mat, and pegboard with hanging items in a workshop setting.
An Apple Authorized Service Provider repairing an iPhone.

Scenarios such as replacing a broken screen or replacing a battery with an official new or salvaged part can be configured directly using Repair Assistant, without the need to contact Apple. The procedure, often referred to as “parts pairing,” can significantly improve the performance of the part.

For example, if a user replaces the screen on their iPhone but doesn’t configure the part, some important features may not function. Using Repair Assistant to configure the new screen will ensure that enhancements such as True Tone and auto-brightness are on and functioning properly.

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iOS 18 Repair Assistant forces parts pairing for users